be from造句

更新時間:2024-06-03 00:14:18


be from造句

  • 1、One example of a data gap report wouldbe from Figure 16.(圖16是數據差異報告的一個例子。)
  • 2、Breathing mustbe from stomach.(呼吸必須從腹部開始。)
  • 3、Three courses mustbe from three different core specialization areas.(從三個不同的專業領域選擇三門課程。)
  • 4、It couldbe from online communities, such as social networks or forums.(也可能是來自在線社區,比如說社交網絡和論壇。)
  • 5、Nutritionists say only 33 percent of our calorie intake shouldbe from fat.(營養學家說我們所攝入的卡路里中只應有33%來自脂肪。)
  • 6、Of the 89 debut models, 75 willbe from domestic manufactures.(89款首次亮相的車型中,75款將來自國內生產商。)
  • 7、Assertions in a profile set maybe from different organizations.(配置文件中的斷言可能來自不同的組織。)
  • 8、Goals need tobe from the heart!(目標應該是發自肺腑的!)
  • 9、If your program is a viewer or editor of data—such as a word processor or an image displayer—that data mightbe from an attacker, so it's an untrusted input.(如果您的程序是數據的瀏覽器或者編輯器——比如文字處理器或者圖像顯示器——那么那些數據有可能來自攻擊者,所以那是不可信的輸入。)
  • 10、The quote need notbe from a famous person to have an effect.(你的引用不一定要來自某個影響很大的名人。) 【好工具】
  • 11、The rains used tobe from October to April.(以往,從十月至四月降雨。)
  • 12、The tracing level canbe from 10 to 50 – multiples of 10.(跟蹤級別介于10到50之間——是10的倍數。)
  • 13、In 1841, Northup met two men who claimed tobe from a circus.(1841年,諾瑟普遇到了兩個自稱來自馬戲團的人。)
  • 14、If I ask about the earliest thing you can remember, I'll bet for most of you, your earliest memory wouldbe from about age 3, right?(如果我問你們能記得的最早的事情是什么,我敢打賭,你們大多數人最早的記憶應該是在3歲左右,對吧?)
  • 15、If you happen tobe from an Ivy League school, even better.(如果你恰好來自常春藤聯盟,那就更好了。)
  • 16、Its energy willbe from the sun.(它的能量將來自太陽。)
  • 17、It couldbe from my Boots, from when he was using the box back in the alley …right?(或許就是我的布茨的毛,在他回到巷子里用這只盒子的時候掉落的······不是么?)
  • 18、The energy of the first floating city willbe from the wind.(第一個漂浮城市的能量將來自風。)
  • 19、In the end, if change comes to Cuba it willbe from within.(如果最后古巴發生變革,壓力將會來自其國內。)
  • 20、People were always proud tobe from Piedmont—lying at the foot of a mountain, on the banks of the mighty Potomac.(皮埃蒙特位于壯闊的波托馬克河岸邊的山腳下,人們總是為自己來自皮埃蒙特感到自豪。)
  • 21、Only an estimated 5 percent of visitors willbe from overseas.(據估計,游客中只有5%來自國外。)
  • 22、He was pretending tobe from England, but his accent and manners gave him away.(他假裝來自英國,但他的口音和舉止暴露了他的真面目。)
  • 23、Men and women maybe from the same planet after all.(男人和女人可能終究來自同一個星球。)

be from基本釋義

be from

英 [bi: fr?m] 美 [bi fr?m] 
... 來自某國; ... 是某國人