
(be) strict with造句

(be) strict with造句

更新時間:2024-06-03 00:07:45


(be) strict with造句

  • 1、In an RT environment, some applications, for example those with strict deadlines, may be unable to tolerate the nondeterminism associated with dynamic compilation activities.(在RT環境中,有些應用程序(比如說有著嚴格的截止日期的應用程序)可能無法容忍與動態編譯活動相關的不確定性。)
  • 2、Parents should be strict with their children.(家長應該嚴格對待孩子。)
  • 3、The coach must be strict with the players.(教練一定要對球員嚴格要求。)
  • 4、For contractual relationships with users, it may be necessary to institute strict change control procedures early in Construction.(對于同用戶的契約關系來說,在構建中較早地制定嚴格的變更控制程序也許是必須的。)
  • 5、A young father asked an elderly neighbor how strict parents should be with their children.(一位年輕父親問一位上年紀的鄰居,父母親應該如何嚴格對待自己的孩子。)
  • 6、Repellents can be applied to exposed skin or to clothing in strict accordance with product label instructions.(嚴格按照使用說明在暴露皮膚或衣服上使用驅蚊劑。)
  • 7、I don't think parents should be strict with their children.(我認為父母親不應該對孩子們太嚴格。)
  • 8、A person should be strict with himself, but be kind to others.(一個人應該嚴格要求自己,但要善待他人。)
  • 9、One caution though, avoid planning a strict itinerary, you need to be flexible and able to change plans when travelling with children.(雖然需要謹慎,但也要避免制定一個嚴格的行程,你和孩子旅行時需要一個靈活的、可變的計劃!)
  • 10、It means we should be strict with ourselves in trying not to do any harm to others while generous to others when they do wrong to us, especially if they do so unintentionally.(這句話的意思是,對自己要嚴格要求,不可以做出對不起別人的事情;對別人要寬容,特別是當別人對你有無心之失時.)
  • 11、If existing model structures exist that are not already in strict accordance with the glossary, these structures can be classified using the appropriate glossary terms.(如果現有模型結構未能嚴格遵守術語表,可以使用適當的術語表術語對這些結構進行分類。)
  • 12、School canteens will not be allowed to offer meals outside strict calorie limits, and must provide foods with a minimum level of iron, zinc, calcium and vitamins.(學校食堂不允許提供外面嚴格控制熱量的飯菜,只能提供含有最低量的鐵、鋅和維生素飯菜。)
  • 13、Many will shut over the coming decade; strict carbon-emissions targets mean they must be replaced with a mix of nuclear-power plants and wind turbines.(未來十年將會關閉很多電站;嚴格的炭排放目標意味著這些舊電站必須被核電站和風電站取代。)
  • 14、As you can see, in 1 above, the definition is very strict and clear with respect to what can be used.(正如你看見的在1中,對于什么能被使用這個問題上其定義是非常嚴格及清晰的。)
  • 15、Now the old man said, "There, it is the same with children." You must be strict with them for their healthy growth.(這時,老人說道:“瞧,這和養孩子一樣,為了他們健康成長,你必須嚴格要求他們?!?
  • 16、You must be strict with them, but sometimes you must untie the string to see how they are getting on.(你必須對它們嚴格,但你有時也要松開繩子,看看它們是如何成長的。)
  • 17、The company usually sends new models with strict instructions that they are not to be opened until an agreed date.(蘋果公司發布新產品時都會有嚴格說明,不到既定日期不許開封。)
  • 18、You must be strict with them for their healthy growth.(為了讓他們健康成長,你不須對他們嚴格要求。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 19、He expects his students to be honest and is strict with them.(他希望他的學生誠實,并對他們嚴格要求。)
  • 20、Strict means that the parts must be type-compatible with the roles that they are bound to.(嚴格意味著部件必須與它們綁定的角色的類型是協調的。)
  • 21、You must be strict with yourself wherever you are.(無論你在哪兒,都要對自己嚴格要求。)
  • 22、“What I’ve tried to do with Twestival is be quite strict with the brand and basic guidelines, but then let cities get creative with their events, ” said Amanda Rose, founder of Twestival.(我試著在Twestival中做的就是,嚴格對待我們的品牌和基本規則,但是讓每個城市在其活動中發揮創造性。)
  • 23、And what's more, why can't these people be strict with themselves and draw a lesson from the hell in the cartoon?(更重要的是,這些人為什么不能嚴格要求自己,從漫畫中吸取教訓呢?)
  • 24、Strict carbon-emissions targets mean they must be replaced with a mix of nuclear-power plants and wind turbines.(嚴格的炭排放目標意味著這些舊電站必須被核電站和風電站取代。)
  • 25、We should be strict with ourselves.(我們應該嚴格要求自己。)
  • 26、Strict contract fulfillment means the parts must be type-compatible with the roles that they are bound to.(嚴格的契約完成意味著各個部分必須同它們所綁定到的角色類型一致。)

(be) strict with基本釋義
