
differ from造句

differ from造句

更新時間:2024-06-02 12:35:02


differ from造句

  • 1、Educational requirementsdiffer from country to country.(各國的教育要求會有所不同。)
  • 2、These subsetsdiffer from user to user and from need to need.(這些子集隨不同的用戶和不同的需要而異。)
  • 3、Embryophytes alsodiffer from algae.(有胚植物也不同于藻類。)
  • 4、The lungs' taste receptors dodiffer from tongue taste buds.(肺部的味覺感受體和舌頭的味蕾確實不同。)
  • 5、CX: Idiffer from their points of view.(殘雪:我與他們的觀點不同。)
  • 6、If theydiffer from what you expect, you've found a bug.(如果結果與所期望的不一樣,則您已經找到了一個錯誤。)
  • 7、How do boydiffer from girls in puzzle play?(在智力游戲中男孩和女孩有什么不同?)
  • 8、Polymer solar panelsdiffer from most commercial plastics like polythene which are essentially insulators.(聚合物太陽能板不同于如聚乙烯等大多數商用塑料,其本質上是絕緣體。)
  • 9、Securtiesdiffer from most other commodities in which people deal.(證券不同于人們所交易的多數商品。) Hao86.com
  • 10、How does this new installerdiffer from the old one?(新的安裝器和舊有的有何不同呢?)
  • 11、Your needs candiffer from day to day.(你的需要可能每天都在變化。)
  • 12、However, the traditions oftendiffer from place to place.(但是,各地的傳統卻各有不同。)
  • 13、There are a few details thatdiffer from the plaintext.(該版本和純文本有一些細節上的差異。)
  • 14、How does the job of features editordiffer from that of fashion editor or other editorial positions?(特寫編輯的工作與時尚編輯或其他編輯職位有何不同?)
  • 15、That's maybe the point in this hierarchy of needs where humans begin todiffer from other animals.(這也許就是需求層次中人類開始與其他動物區別的地方。)
  • 16、How and why does thisdiffer from the advice from the WHO?(這項研究如何以及為什么與世衛組織的建議不同?)
  • 17、Human beingsdiffer from animals in that the former is capable of using language.(人類與動物的不同在于前者能夠使用語言。)
  • 18、Things in the worlddiffer from each other in a thousand ways.(世界上的事物是千差萬別的。)
  • 19、The specific glycosides present in milkweeddiffer from region to region within the monarch butterfly's range.(馬利筋中的特殊糖苷在帝王蝶的范圍內因地區而異。)
  • 20、They alsodiffer from industrialized societies in that they have extremely low rates of high blood pressure and obesity.(他們與工業化社會的不同之處在于,他們的高血壓和肥胖癥發病率極低。)
  • 21、Conceptually, e-commerce does notdiffer from well-known commercial offerings such as banking by phone, "mail order" catalogs, or sending a purchase order to supplier via fax.(從概念上講,電子商務與著名的商業化產品沒有區別,后者包括像電話銀行、“郵購”目錄或通過傳真向供應商發送采購訂單等方式。)
  • 22、Notice how the settings in Figure 17differ from those in Figure 5.(注意圖17中的設置與圖5中設置的差異。)
  • 23、In a statement of purpose, Missy's owner and the A&M team say they are both looking forward to studying the ways that her clonesdiffer from Missy.(在一份目的聲明中,米茜的主人和A&M團隊表示他們都期待著研究克隆狗與米茜的不同之處。)
  • 24、How does Qunardiffer from those companies you mentioned?(去哪兒與你提到的上述公司有何不同?)
  • 25、How do broad transcription and narrow transcriptiondiffer from each other?(寬式音標和窄式音標有何區別?)
  • 26、On one point Idiffer from you.(我在這一點上跟你有分歧。)
  • 27、Notice how theydiffer from Aristotle's views.(注意它們是如何不同于亞里士多德的觀點?)

differ from基本釋義

differ from

英 [?dif? fr?m] 美 [?d?f? fr?m] 
不同于; 與 ... 有區別