
derived from造句

derived from造句

更新時間:2024-06-03 00:07:06


derived from造句

  • 1、Many English words arederived from Latin and Greek words.(許多英語詞是從拉丁詞和希臘詞派生而來的。)
  • 2、The company said that 45% of its $140 million revenue in 2015 "wasderived from digital products".(該公司表示,2015年公司1.4億美元的收入中有45%來自數字產品。)
  • 3、Founder mutations are a class of disease-causing genetic mutations, eachderived from its own ancestral "founder" in whom the mutation originated.(創始者突變是一類引起疾病的基因突變,每一種都源自其自身祖先的“創始者”。)
  • 4、The word 'politics' isderived from a Greek word meaning 'city'.(politics一詞源自希臘語,意思是city。)
  • 5、Childish pleasure can bederived from murmuring "qiezi" when walking past a delegation busy taking pictures.(走過忙著拍照的代表團時,聽著他們喊“茄子”就能感受到孩子般的快樂。)
  • 6、Until the eighteenth century, people relied on energyderived from plants as well as animal and human muscle to provide power.(直到18世紀,人們還依賴于來自植物、動物和人類肌肉的能量來為自身提供動力。)
  • 7、The term Cosplay isderived from Japan and is a composite word of "costume" and "play".(Cosplay一詞源自日本,是“costume”和“play”的合成詞。)
  • 8、Its wealthderived from the control of the spice trade and the cotton industry.(其財富來源于對香料貿易和棉花業的控制。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 9、The name isderived from their Goddess of memory "Mnemosyne".(這個名字來源于他們的記憶女神“Mnemosyne”。)
  • 10、While being happy is about feeling good, meaning isderived from contributing to others or to society in a bigger way.(快樂是一種感覺良好的狀態,而意義則來自于以更大的方式為他人或社會做貢獻。)
  • 11、Her nickname "Sarah Barracuda" is mainlyderived from her aggressive and aggressive character in the Wasilla High School basketball team.(她的外號“梭魚薩拉”主要還是源自她在瓦西拉高中籃球隊中表現出來的積極好斗的性格。)
  • 12、Most paper isderived from the pulp of coniferous trees.(大多數紙是由針葉樹的紙漿制成的。)
  • 13、Your surname may bederived from a place, such as Lancaster, for example, or an occupation, such as weaver.(或許,你的姓氏來源于一個地方名,例如蘭卡斯特,或者來源于職業,例如編織工。)
  • 14、The singing of Christmas carols is a customderived from early dance routines of pagan origin.(唱圣誕歌這一傳統源自異教早期的舞蹈儀式。)
  • 15、Rubin suggests that asteroids' heat could havederived from collisions between asteroids.(魯賓認為,小行星的熱量可能來自小行星之間的碰撞。)
  • 16、Scientific analysis reveals that the colors werederived from ocher and other iron oxides ground into a fine powder.(科學分析表明,這些顏色是源自赭石和其他鐵氧化物磨成的細粉。)
  • 17、Social scientists work with statisticsderived from data, and the best way to present these statistics is often in graphic form.(社會科學家研究從數據中得出的統計信息,而呈現這些統計數據的最佳方式通常是圖表形式。)
  • 18、Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, is entirely heated by geothermal energyderived from volcanic heat.(冰島的首都雷克雅未克完全是用火山熱產生的地熱能來供熱的。)
  • 19、The scarlet ibis, like the flamingo, gains its vibrant color from carotenederived from a diet of crustaceans.(紅鹮和火烈鳥一樣,吃一些甲殼類動物,在體內生成胡蘿卜素,就形成了它鮮艷的顏色。)
  • 20、Their numerical system,derived from the Babylonians, was based on multiples of the number six.(他們的數制是襲用巴比倫人的,以數字6的倍數為基準。)
  • 21、Better irrigation can dramatically improve crop yield and about 40% of the world's food supply is currentlyderived from irrigated land.(更好的灌溉可以顯著提高作物產量;目前,全球約40%的糧食供應都來自于灌溉地。)
  • 22、Africans are now just as keen on Asian medicine: artemisinin, a highly effective malaria remedyderived from a Chinese shrub.(非洲人現在同樣熱衷于亞洲藥物:青蒿素,一種從中國灌木中提取的、非常有效的治療瘧疾的藥物。)
  • 23、The drug isderived from the bark of the cinchona tree, native to South America, and by 1856 demand for the drug was surpassing the available supply.(這種藥物是從原產于南美洲的金雞納樹的樹皮中提取的。到了1856年,對這種藥物的需求已經超過了現有的供應。)
  • 24、The word religion isderived from the Latin noun religio, which denotes both earnest observance of ritual obligations and an inward spirit of reverence.(宗教一詞源自拉丁語宗教名詞,它既表示認真遵守儀式義務,又表示內向的崇敬精神。)
  • 25、The word lunacy, meaning "madness", isderived from Luna, the Latin name for the Roman goddess of the moon.(“lunacy”這個表示“瘋狂”的詞源自“Luna”,是羅馬神話中月光女神的拉丁名。)
  • 26、The wisdom of the day wasderived from Ptolemy, an astronomer of the second century, whose elaborate system of the sky put Earth at the center of all heavenly motions.(當時的智慧來自于二世紀的天文學家托勒密,他的復雜天空體系把地球置于所有天體運動的中心。)
  • 27、He reasoned that the original ocean was not salty and that subsequently saltderived from the weathering of rocks was brought to the sea by streams.(他認為海洋里起初不含鹽,是之后的溪流將巖石風化形成的鹽帶入了大海。)
  • 28、The name Anastasia isderived from a Greek word meaning "of the resurrection."(阿納斯塔西婭這個名字是從一個意為“復活”的希臘詞語衍生而來的。)
  • 29、The new drug isderived from fish oil.(這種新藥是從魚油中提煉出來的。)
  • 30、They also availed themselves of other forms of expression with metaphorical meaning, some probably original, somederived from Toltec coinages.(它們還利用了其他具有隱喻意義的表達形式,有些可能是原創的,有些則源自托爾特克的新造詞。)

derived from基本釋義

derived from


