
to the effect that造句

to the effect that造句

更新時間:2024-05-19 23:23:40


to the effect that造句

  • 1、And I'll say "how are you" and you say somethingto the effect that if I could afford a latte in this world, I'm doing well.(我問您最近怎么樣,您有一次,說了一句話,大致意思是,如果我能,享受得起一杯拿鐵,那一切就還好。)
  • 2、And there was a Greek storyto the effect that the sentinels at the siege of Troy changed their guard according to the vertical or horizontal positions of the tail of the Great Bear.(從前有個希臘故事,大意是說,哨兵們包圍特洛伊城后,根據大熊星星尾的垂直或水平位置改變其守衛戰略。)
  • 3、He adds a let - out clauseto the effect that the payment will be revised if the exchange rate fall by more than5%.(他加了一個避免條款,大意是:如果匯率下跌超過去5%,付款將被修改。)
  • 4、I get a fair number of commentsto the effect that worries about deflation are all wrong, look at commodity prices.(我這有相當一部分置評基本是:都盯著日用商品價格,懷疑所謂通縮是不是完全錯了。)
  • 5、We received a letterto the effect that he would soon arrive.(我們收到一封信,大意是說他即將到達。)
  • 6、The immediate effect of printing was to increase the circulation of works that were already popular in a handwritten form, while less popular works went out of circulation.(印刷術的直接影響是,已經以手寫體形式流行的作品發行量更大,而不太流行的作品則不再發行。)
  • 7、He left a noteto the effect that he would not be coming back.(他留下一張字條,大意是他不回來了。)
  • 8、If you insist on doing so will only make your brainto the effect that account, and is likely to miss some important parts.(如果你執意這樣做,只能使你的頭昏腦賬,并有可能漏掉某些重要的內容部分。)
  • 9、Ships could be diverted to other ports and that would have a serious ripple effect through the local economy.(可以把貨輪轉向其他港口,那樣的話可能會對當地經濟造成嚴重的連鎖反應。)
  • 10、What the essay is discussing isto the effect that there's great difference between the way women and men think.(這篇論文大致討論的是女性與男性的思維方式有巨大的差別。)
  • 11、I began by saying somethingto the effect that I had just finished reading her great book, Discovery of Freedom. I extended my congratulations on producing a truly marvelous work.(我以剛剛讀完她這本偉大的書《發現自由》的感想為開頭,然后我祝賀她寫了這么一本杰作。)
  • 12、British Prime Minister David Cameron made a commentto the effect that these tools are great, but when used for ill should be shut down.(英國首相卡梅倫發表評論,大意是這些工具是很好,但當被惡意使用時,應將之關閉。)
  • 13、The effect was to disrupt the food chain, starving many animals and those that preyed on them.(后果是打斷食物鏈,使許多動物和捕食它們的動物餓死。)
  • 14、I received a letterto the effect that he would help me.(我收到一封信,大意是說他愿意幫助我。)
  • 15、To simulate this scenario, we developed an algorithm that invalidated 25% of the cache entries every twenty minutes - similarto the effect that is caused by a live inventory feed.(為了模擬這一場景,我們研發了一個算法,每20分鐘作廢整個緩存的25%—類似于實時庫存清單產生的效果。)
  • 16、The output is likely to continue with a messageto the effect that the key is not certified with a trusted signature.(輸出結果可能繼續是一條消息,大致意思是密鑰不能被一個可信簽名所認證。)
  • 17、During the closing speech, the chairman uttered a few wordsto the effect that people's social awareness should be raised.(在閉幕式中,主度說了幾句話,意思是要提高人們的社會意識。)
  • 18、I said a few wordsto the effect that all he had told us was already well known.(我說了幾句話,大意是他所告訴我們的一切早已為人熟知。)
  • 19、I understand that a circular to this effect will be issued in the next few weeks.(我得知,接下來的幾星期內將發布大意如此的傳閱文件。)
  • 20、He quotes Google co-founder Larry Pageto the effect that the "perfect search engine" will ''understand exactly what I mean and give me back exactly what I want."(他引用了谷歌的聯合創始人拉里·佩奇的話,大意是說這個“完美的搜索引擎”將“準確地理解我的意思,并準確地反饋回我想要的東西”。)
  • 21、Thes. 2:2 that you be not quickly shaken in mind nor alarmed, neither by a spirit nor by word nor by a letter as if by us,to the effect that the day of the Lord has come.(帖后二2我們求你們,無論有靈、或言語、或冒我們名的書信,說主的日子已經來到,你們的心思都不要貿然搖動,你們也不要驚慌。)
  • 22、Yao Xueyin that, so there is summed up with the sum of two ways: first,to the effect that the book down, and the other is an extract from the original book.(姚雪垠認為,做總結與歸納有兩種方法:一是將本書的大意記下來,二是摘錄原書。)
  • 23、This is very similarto the effect that diagonals can have on the viewer; the instability and chaos makes our eyes move around, and this naturally imparts energy into an image.(這與斜線給觀者的效果非常類似;動蕩與混亂讓我們的視線四處游走,這自然給圖畫賦予了活力。)
  • 24、I sent an answerto the effect that I would go with him.(我的答復大意是我將和他一起走。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 25、However, due to the size of the use of the seal is different, leadingto the effect that the size of the seal of the people.(但是,由于印章的使用范圍大小不同,導致人們以為印章有效力大小之分。)

to the effect that基本釋義

to the effect that

英 [tu: e? i?fekt e?t] 美 [tu ei ??f?kt e?t] 
大意是; 含義是