
on condition that造句

on condition that造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:32:04


on condition that造句

  • 1、Valfierno told the story to a journalist in 1914,on condition that it would not be published until his death.(1914年瓦爾菲爾諾將事件真相透露給了一位記者,條件是只有等到他死后才能將此事公之于眾。)
  • 2、You may borrow the book,on condition that you do not lend it to anyone else.(你可以借這本書,條件是你不能再借給別人。)
  • 3、I'll allow you to go outon condition that you do not fight against other children.(我允許你出去,條件是你不要跟別的孩子打架。)
  • 4、This is only at certain times andon condition that they are processed at factories based near Japanese ports.(只有在特定的時間和條件下,他們才會在設(shè)在日本港口附近的工廠進(jìn)行加工。)
  • 5、We'll let you use the roomon condition that you keep it clean and tidy.(我們可以讓你使用這個房間,條件是你把它保持整潔。)
  • 6、He agreed to speak to reporterson condition that he was not identified.(他同意在不暴露身份的條件下和記者談話。)
  • 7、I shall work for himon condition that he pay me weekly.(在他每星期付我薪資條件下我才會為他工作。)
  • 8、John will goon condition that Mary is invited too.(約翰愿意去,條件是瑪麗也得到邀請。)
  • 9、Others say they were imprisoned, tortured and only releasedon condition that they sign documents promising to leave Bhutan.(其他人稱他們被監(jiān)禁起來受到酷刑,只有簽署了離開不丹的文件才能放人。)
  • 10、I said I would tell him a confidential storyon condition that he kept it secret.(我說在他保密的條件下,將告訴他一個秘密的故事。)
  • 11、You may borrow the book,on condition that you return it within a month.(你可以借這本書,條件是你要在一個月之內(nèi)歸還。)
  • 12、The OFT blessed the merger, buton condition that the Simple soap brand be licensed to a competitor.(只要清妍香皂被批準(zhǔn)能夠參與市場競爭,公平貿(mào)易局是會贊同這種公司并購的。)
  • 13、The captain of the French team offered to buy the case for himon condition that he won his match in the upcoming competition.(法國隊的隊長說,如果他能在接下來的比賽中獲勝,就把皮箱買下來送給他。)
  • 14、I'll comeon condition that my parents are invited, too.(在我的父母也受邀請的條件下,我才會來。)
  • 15、You can go swimmingon condition that you must finish your work first.(你可以去游泳,條件是你得先完成作業(yè)。)
  • 16、You can use my caron condition that you return it tomorrow.(我的車子可以借給你,條件是明天必須歸還。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 17、I allow you to go outon condition that you come back before dark.(我允許你出去條件是你在天黑之前回來。)
  • 18、He said that he would come to the meetingon condition that no one asked him to speak.(他說他將出席這個會議,條件是不要讓他發(fā)言。)
  • 19、Therefore, in my opinion, college students should attend good lectureson condition that they do their class work as well.(因此,在我看來,大學(xué)生應(yīng)該參加演講的情況下,他們班級的工作以及。)
  • 20、Visitors are allowed in the gardenson condition that they don't touch the plants.(參觀者允許進(jìn)入花園,條件是不觸摸這些植物。)
  • 21、They were granted the leaseon condition that they paid the legal costs.(在支付法定費用的條件下他們可獲得租賃權(quán)。)
  • 22、The judge said he would forbear from sending her to prison,on condition that she promised not to steal again.(法官說他可以不送她進(jìn)監(jiān)獄,條件是她必須保證以后不再偷竊。)
  • 23、She will join uson condition that you also be there.(她和我們一起去,條件是你也將在場。)

on condition that基本釋義

on condition that

如果; 在 ... 條件下