
that is to say造句

that is to say造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:20:48


that is to say造句

  • 1、He didn't go;that is to say, it is not recorded that he did.(他沒(méi)有去,換句話說(shuō),他去的這個(gè)事實(shí)無(wú)案可查。)
  • 2、that is to say we still have views.(也就是說(shuō),我們?nèi)匀挥杏^點(diǎn)。)
  • 3、that is to say, with moderation and flexibility.(也就是說(shuō),緩和和靈活性。)
  • 4、that is to say they are of equivalent energy.(也就是說(shuō)它們有著相同的能量。)
  • 5、that is to say the instant atom arrangement.(也就是原子的幾何排布類型。)
  • 6、that is to say, I do think premise one is true.(也就是說(shuō),我認(rèn)為前提一是成立的。)
  • 7、that is to say, sixty francs.(就是說(shuō),六十法郎。)
  • 8、that is to say, below humanity or above it.(也就是說(shuō),不是在人性之下,就是之上。)
  • 9、These very short-lived plants reproduce prolifically;that is to say they provide a constant rain of seed in the neighborhood of parent plants.(這些壽命極短的植物大量繁殖;也就是說(shuō),它們?cè)谀钢曛車掷m(xù)提供著“種子雨”。)
  • 10、They live without nomoi, and they wreck not of one another,that is to say, each family lives by itself.(他們生活中不能沒(méi)有法則,他們不會(huì)破壞彼此,就是說(shuō),每個(gè)家庭都自給自足。)
  • 11、That would mean voting no,that is to say, using the veto.(那就意味著投反對(duì)票,也就是說(shuō),行使否決權(quán)。)
  • 12、that is to say, as a reward for bravery, exhibited bravery, the hero should be allowed to kiss anyone they like while they are on patrol, male or female.(那就是說(shuō),作為對(duì)勇敢的獎(jiǎng)賞,意即展現(xiàn)出的勇敢,應(yīng)允許英雄在他們執(zhí)行偵察時(shí)親任何人,無(wú)論男女。)
  • 13、that is to say, most cases of diabetes result from the unhealthy lifestyle.(也就是說(shuō),大多數(shù)糖尿病是由不健康的生活方式造成的。) hAo86.com
  • 14、that is to say, he kept on throwing and catching three balls while he was swimming, riding a bicycle and running.(也就是說(shuō),他在游泳、騎自行車、跑步的時(shí)候,不停地扔、接三個(gè)球。)
  • 15、that is to say we are not just bodies.(那就是說(shuō)我們不僅僅只是個(gè)軀體。)
  • 16、It's conventional—that is to say, the language in the public sphere belongs to all of us, and there's perhaps a certain sort of romantic loss in that.(這是常見(jiàn)的——也就是說(shuō),公共領(lǐng)域的語(yǔ)言屬于我們所有人,也許那中間少了一些浪漫的意味。)
  • 17、that is to say, there are two little girls.(應(yīng)當(dāng)說(shuō),還有兩個(gè)小姑娘。)
  • 18、that is to say, we'll have to turn to something else.(也就是說(shuō),我們不得不轉(zhuǎn)向別的事情。)
  • 19、that is to say in a given atom.(也就是說(shuō)對(duì)于一個(gè)給定的原子。)
  • 20、that is to say, they should know their merits and demerits and their choices must give play to their strengths whilst circumvent weaknesses.(也就是說(shuō),要知道自己的長(zhǎng)處和短處,做出的選擇要揚(yáng)長(zhǎng)避短。)
  • 21、that is to say, the name of the butcher's shop should be like the butcher's shop.(也就是說(shuō),肉店的名稱應(yīng)該像肉店。)
  • 22、There were various views about what constitutes it, but there was agreement that such an essence exists—that is to say, that there is something by virtue of which man is man.(關(guān)于它是由什么構(gòu)成的,人們有各種不同的看法,但大家一致認(rèn)為,有這樣一種本質(zhì)是存在的,也就是說(shuō),有一種東西可以作為人就是人的依據(jù)。)
  • 23、that is to say, the ultimate philosopher.(也就是說(shuō),他是一位徹徹底底的哲學(xué)家。)
  • 24、that is to say, he found a clew.(也就是說(shuō),他找到了線索。)
  • 25、that is to say, running isn't worth the effort.(這就是說(shuō),并不值得跑步躲雨。)
  • 26、They are very light,that is to say, low mass.(很輕,也就是說(shuō),質(zhì)量很小。)
  • 27、"You are certainly a girdle," said the collar, "that is to say an inside girdle."(“你的確是一根腰帶,”襯衫領(lǐng)子說(shuō),“也就是說(shuō),一根內(nèi)衣腰帶?!?
  • 28、that is to say, he's a businessman.(他是名商人。)

that is to say基本釋義

that is to say

英 [e?t iz tu: sei] 美 [e?t ?z tu se] 
也就是; 即