
positive and negative effects造句

positive and negative effects造句

更新時間:2024-06-02 23:48:09


positive and negative effects造句

  • 1、It's no doubt that these changes are and will be makingpositive and negative effects on Chinese maintenance and management legal system of fishery resources.(毫無疑問,這些變化正在并且將更大幅度的對我國漁業資源養護和管理法制產生正面和負面的影響。)
  • 2、Based on thepositive and negative effects of financial control, this paper analyses the loss and profit of financial control quantitatively.(本文從金融控制的正效應和負效應兩個角度定量分析了金融控制的收益和損失。)
  • 3、There arepositive and negative effects to a belief in interconnectedness.(對于這種相通性的篤信,既有積極效果也有消極效果。)
  • 4、Discuss thepositive and negative effects.(討論其積極和消極影響。)
  • 5、Moreover, this paper discusses thepositive and negative effects of women empowerment about the experience of community reemployments.(再次,本研究探討了社區再就業經歷對于女性增權的正面與負面效應。)
  • 6、People have started to ponder deeply over thepositive and negative effects brought by modern technology with Martin Heidegger as a representative.(人們開始深思現代技術的正面效應與負面效應,其中馬丁·海德格爾對于現代技術的追問尤為顯著。)
  • 7、Network opens a completely new era and wide space for individual socialization, which provides bothpositive and negative effects.(網絡開辟了個人社會化的嶄新時代和廣闊空間,它在給個人社會化帶來積極作用的同時,也存在著消極的影響。)
  • 8、The role of informal groups of university students has bothpositive and negative effects and it is very necessary to intervene appropriately.(大學生非正式群體既有積極作用也有消極作用,對其進行適當干預很有必要。)
  • 9、There have beenpositive and negative effects for the Aswan High Dam. .(既要肯定阿斯望高壩的高效,又要否定其影響。)
  • 10、The results of the data analysis show that the NMET exerts bothpositive and negative effects on senior middle school English teaching and learning.(數據分析和討論的結果表明,高考英語測試對高中階段(尤其高三)英語教與學產生了巨大的反撥作用,不僅有正面的也有負面的。)
  • 11、The Internet language has bothpositive and negative effects on contemporary Chinese, and thus the standardization of it is of significance.(網絡語言對現代漢語造成正負兩方面的影響,由此可見網絡語言規范化意義重大。)
  • 12、To explore thepositive and negative effects of medical tourism on the economy, health staff and medical costs in Thailand.(旨在探討泰國醫療旅游對經濟、醫務人員和醫療成本的正面和負面影響。)
  • 13、This paper dialectically reveals the impact of visual literacy education on high school English teaching: thepositive and negative effects.(這篇文章從積極影響和消極影響兩方面辯證地揭示視覺素養教育對高中英語課堂的影響。)
  • 14、It has bothpositive and negative effects on college students' oral communicative and pragmatic competences.(面子觀念對大學生的英語口語交際能力和語用能力既有積極影響,也有消極影響。)
  • 15、Empirical studies so far show that emotional labor has bothpositive and negative effects on employees and organizations.(情緒工作是當前組織行為學研究的熱點問題。)
  • 16、The hormone has bothpositive and negative effects.(該激素有正、負雙向效應。)
  • 17、In practice, there are bothpositive and negative effects, with more advantages than disadvantages.(它順應了全球化的基本要求,在具體實踐中,正負效應兼備,但在總體上利大于弊。)
  • 18、Analysis of the flow of the rural population of the village of governance itself, thepositive and negative effects.(分析農村人口的流動對本村的治理本身帶來的積極和消極影響。)
  • 19、China's traditional culture still affects technological organization now, itspositive and negative effects are shown in a variety of different ways.(中國傳統文化仍然影響著當今的科技組織,其積極和消極影響都以各種不同的方式表現出來。)
  • 20、What are thepositive and negative effects of music?(音樂帶來了哪些正面和負面的影響?)
  • 21、Make a comparison between thesepositive and negative effects, and you will find that we should spend one or two hours a day doing exercises.(比較這些積極影響和消極影響,你就會發現,我們每天都應該花一兩個小時進行鍛煉。)
  • 22、The third chapter discussespositive and negative effects of the credit risk transfer market on commercial banks and the impact on the financial system.(第三章論述了信用風險轉移市場對于商業銀行的積極影響和消極影響,并論述了其對于金融體系的影響;) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 23、Whether the climate turns warmer or cooler, there are bothpositive and negative effects.(不管氣候變得更暖還是更冷,都會有正面和負面的影響。)
  • 24、There arepositive and negative effects to reading the newspaper.(閱讀報紙有利也有弊。)

positive and negative effects基本釋義
