
as a whole造句

as a whole造句

更新時間:2024-06-02 12:35:02


as a whole造句

  • 1、We will lose a vital part of what has made humanityas a whole so successful as a species.(我們將失去一個關鍵部分,這部分使整個人類成為一個如此成功的物種。)
  • 2、Fortunately, militarism failed to take root in Europeas a whole.(幸運的是,軍國主義沒有能夠深入整個歐洲。)
  • 3、Censorship is for the good of societyas a whole.(審查制度是為了整個社會的利益。)
  • 4、The changes would have to be approved or rejectedas a whole by Congress, making it hard for narrow-interest lobbies to bend lawmakers to their will.(這些變化必須得到國會的整體批準或否決,這樣一來,狹隘利益集團就很難讓議員們屈從于他們的意愿。)
  • 5、That's a condemnation of the studentsas a whole, and doesn't explain all campus unhappiness.(這是對學生整體的譴責,并不能解釋所有校園的不快。)
  • 6、He cared for heras a whole person rather than just a sex object.(他喜歡她整個人,而不是僅僅把她當作性對象。)
  • 7、Leslie presents considerable evidence for the proposition that the societyas a whole is growing less curious.(萊斯利提出了相當多的證據,證明整個社會正在變得不那么好奇。)
  • 8、The developments in this town represent in microcosm what is happening in the countryas a whole.(這座城鎮的發展以小見大,體現了整個國家的發展。)
  • 9、At this point, the teacher could suggest revisions of the paragraphas a whole.(這個時候,教師可以建議修改整個段落。)
  • 10、"as a whole," she muses, "the `organized church' turns me off."(“總的來說,”她若有所思地說,“‘組織嚴密的教會’讓我厭煩?!?
  • 11、He described the move as a victory for the people of South Africaas a whole.(他把這一行動描述成全體南非人民的一次勝利。)
  • 12、This is likely to have major consequences for the individual and the populationas a whole.(這可能對個人和人口整體產生重大影響。)
  • 13、Either you practice yogaas a whole or you don't.(你要么整體練習瑜伽,要么不練習。)
  • 14、The rich benefited from the reforms, not the countryas a whole.(富人而不是全體國民得益于這些改革。)
  • 15、Is a questionnaire answered by 500 people truly representative of the populationas a whole?(由500人參加的問卷調查能真正代表所有民眾嗎?)
  • 16、Because people are generally so well trained in having smooth conversations, any disruption of this flow indicates that something is wrong, either interpersonally or within the groupas a whole.(因為人們通常在維持流暢對話方面訓練有素,所以任何對這一流程的干擾都表明出了問題,無論是在人際交往方面還是在整個團隊內部。)
  • 17、It's extremely important for us to think about thisas a whole system and not just the sum of a bunch of individual components.(有一點非常重要,即我們要把它視為一個完整的系統,而不只是一堆獨立組件的總和。)
  • 18、Firstly, we should think about the health care experienceas a whole.(首先,我們應該把醫療體驗作為一個整體來考慮。)
  • 19、Such community engagement is characteristic of the Chicano art movementas a whole, which evolved from the same foundations as the Chicano civil rights movement of the mid-1960s.(這種社區參與是整個奇卡諾藝術運動的特征,它與60年代中期的奇卡諾民權運動有著相同的發展基礎。)
  • 20、The festival will be great for our city and for the countryas a whole.(這次會演對我們城市乃至整個國家都將是意義重大的。)
  • 21、While Spainas a whole is heating up quickly, temperatures near the greenhouses have decreased.(盡管整個西班牙的氣溫迅速上升,但溫室附近的氣溫卻下降了。)
  • 22、You are on the right track—it is actually the echo of all the leavesas a whole that matters.(你找對思路了——真正重要的是所有樹葉整體的回聲。)
  • 23、His abilities are not reflective of the teamas a whole.(他的能力并不代表整個隊的水平。)
  • 24、With no buyer in sight for the companyas a whole, the vultures started to circle.(因為眼下沒有買家要買整個公司,趁火打劫的人開始打他們的主意。)
  • 25、The bottom line is that pharmaceutical companiesas a whole invest more in marketing than they do in research and development.(底線是,制藥公司整體上在市場營銷上的投資要多于在研發上的投資。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 26、The needs of individuals were subservient to those of the groupas a whole.(個人的需要服從于整個集體的需要。)
  • 27、If a team manager exemplifies such qualities, then the teamas a whole will be better able to realize their potential and achieve their objectives.(如果一個團隊的管理者有這樣的品質,那么整個團隊就能更好地發揮他們的潛力,實現他們的目標。)

as a whole基本釋義

as a whole

英 [?z ? h?ul] 美 [?z e hol] 
整個來說; 總體上

