
a burning desire造句

a burning desire造句

更新時間:2024-06-03 00:17:39


a burning desire造句

  • 1、If you are an escapist, chances are you are working in a job that you don't really like. And you probably have this burning desire to quit your job.(如果你是一個逃避現實者,那么有可能你并不是特別熱愛自己的工作,甚至很想辭職走人。)
  • 2、In high school I was a math whiz, and so I spent my first year of college at M. I. T., learning that I did not have the burning desire to be an engineer.(在高中的時候,我是一名數學天才,所以我大學的第一年是在麻省理工大學度過的,在哪里學期期間,并沒有燃燒起我做工程師的愿望。)
  • 3、An intense, burning desire to dig deep into a particular area is often a sign that you'll find success there.(想要深入某一特定領域的強烈愿望通常是你將在這一領域有所建樹的跡象。)
  • 4、We've all been there. When you're consumed bya burning desire for chocolate, spicy tortilla chips or a humble bacon sarnie, no other snack will do - and you need it fast.(我們都曾有過這樣的經歷:當您無限渴望巧克力,辣玉米片或一份簡單的培根三明治的時候,沒有其他快餐能代替它們-你渴望之至。)
  • 5、If you're bored with life-if you don't get up every morning witha burning desire to do things-you don't have enough goals.(如果你厭倦了生活—如果每天早上起床時,你沒有要做什么的渴望—你只是沒有足夠的目標。)
  • 6、The main reason for great success in any endeavor is clear, specific, and measurable goals written down and backed by a written plan anda burning desire to accomplish them.(偉大成功的背后原因就是明確的目標,它們被寫下來,有詳細的行動計劃,并有實現這些目標的強大動力!)
  • 7、In spite of his handicap Washington was never discouraged and still hada burning desire to complete the bridge and his mind was still as sharp as ever.(盡管已經殘疾,但華盛頓從未氣餒過,仍然有一顆強烈的心愿——完成大橋的修建,并且,他的思維仍和從前一樣敏捷。)
  • 8、Parents would be wise to adopt that mantra, too, and not just because tens of thousands of tuition dollars may go to waste if a college student hasa burning desire to be elsewhere.(父母們也應該明智地相信這些箴言,不只是因為如果一名大學生強烈地想去其他地方,那么,勉強留在學校就是白白浪費數萬美元的學費。)
  • 9、Don’t just consume information, but ponder on thoughts that are conducive to what you desire to become until you havea burning desire to manifest it.(按照你想的去做,不要只是浪費信息,而要仔細考慮有助于你實現想要成為的樣子的想法,直到你有熱切的渴望去證明它。)
  • 10、Using that burning desire to grow your business, however, is a far different task from simply lighting it.(利用那種燃燒的渴望來推動商業成長,但是,簡單說說和實踐可就差遠了。)
  • 11、A few years ago I hada burning desire to want to meditate.(前幾年我曾經有冥想的強烈愿望。)
  • 12、A young man, with dreams of greatness in the baseball diamond, the burning desire that could get him there.(一個年青小伙子,夢想棒球場上的成功,懷抱著達到目標的熾熱渴望。)
  • 13、It's not really something I've thought about, I still havea burning desire to play and to do well here. I'll start thinking about other things much further down the line.(這些不是我現在所應當考慮的,我現在對上場踢球依然充滿渴望,其他的事情就留到我退役以后再說吧。)
  • 14、"I've never hada burning desire to get ahead1 in Hollywood, " he told Empire in 2002.(2002年,他對《帝國》雜志表白:“我從沒有渴望在好萊塢出人頭地。)
  • 15、When I launched my company at 23, I wasn't a Harvard MBA witha burning desire to become an entrepreneur.(23歲那年,我創立了自己的公司,我還沒有哈佛mba的文憑,也并不渴望成為企業家。)
  • 16、Energy, passion anda burning desire are what true learning takes.(能量,激情和熱切的渴望,是學習真正所需要的。)
  • 17、Then did not tell, they catalyzeda burning desire to know.(雖然他們不說,但他們可以激起人們對想知道的渴望。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 18、My eyes filled with desire to flame, burning too hot heart, the figure stands as a tragic landscape of desolation .(我的眼睛充滿渴望的火焰,燃燒得心口發燙,把身影佇立成一道荒涼悲壯的風景。)
  • 19、Few people knew of his shame and most burning desire: to be able to read a simple bedtime story to his grandchildren.(很少有人知道他的羞恥和最強烈的愿望:能為孫子閱讀簡單的睡前故事。)
  • 20、And if it succeeds, you may find you no longer have sucha burning desire to be an assistant professor.(如果它成功了,你就不再留戀無聊的助教生涯了。)
  • 21、Often new ideas are preceded bya burning desire to make a breakthrough.(通常一個新點子是需要有對突破的強烈渴望。)
  • 22、No one has ever achieved anything without a dream attached toa burning desire.(沒有夢想加熱情,人們就會一事無成。)
  • 23、The kid without a college degree or the woman who was told she didn't have leadership potential could havea burning desire to prove themselves.(一個沒有大學文憑的孩子亦或是一位被告知沒有領導潛力的女士,往往會有強烈的愿望想去證明自己的能力。)
  • 24、Researchers found that women are overcome bya burning desire to share gossip as soon as they hear it.(研究發現女生被煅燒的希望戰勝,然后就分享了他們的閑話,一旦他們聽到了以后。)
  • 25、He did, though, have enough savings to keep him going for a few months anda burning desire to make a short movie with some friends.(雖然有足夠的積蓄支持他幾個月,但是他有著強烈的愿望想和幾個朋友做一個電影短片。)
  • 26、Just as you steady a magnifying glass on a single object, with the hot burning sun rays analogous to your desire, focus, power, energy, time, etc, you will make an impact.(僅僅是你堅定地拿著放大鏡聚集在單個物體上,炙熱的太陽光比作你的期望,聚集,力量,精力,時間等等。你會帶來沖擊。)

a burning desire基本釋義
