
on the whole造句

on the whole造句

更新時間:2024-06-02 12:51:19


on the whole造句

  • 1、These textbooks are,on the whole, small, presumably inexpensive to produce, but well set out and logically developed.(總體來說,這些教科書很小,成本應該也不高,但是內容陳述恰當,具有邏輯性。)
  • 2、When one student behaves disgracefully, it reflects badlyon the whole class, even the whole school.(一個學生的不光彩行為會給整個班級、甚至整個學校帶來很壞的影響。)
  • 3、She was easy-goingon the whole.(總的來說,她還是很隨和的。)
  • 4、The two presidents agree with each otheron the whole, but much remains to be discussed at the following meeting.(兩位總統大體上是持相同觀點的,但是有些觀點在之后的會議中仍有待討論。)
  • 5、Our opinions areon the whole the same.(我們的意見基本上是一樣的。)
  • 6、on the whole the celebrations were remarkably good-humored and peaceful. It seemed almost too good to be true.(大體上說,慶?;顒臃浅?鞓废楹?,似乎好得令人難以置信。)
  • 7、It turns out that what would later have a notable influence on European musicon the whole, was the way Bartók used elements he heard in folk songs in his own compositions.(我們發現,后來對整個歐洲音樂產生顯著影響的,是巴托克在自己的作品中使用他從民歌中聽到的元素的方式。) haO86.com
  • 8、on the whole she had lived modestly, with a notable lack of ostentation.(總體來說,她生活儉樸,不事張揚。)
  • 9、on the whole, however, even these laudatory critics showed themselves uninterested in the stories that this fiction told, or in their significance.(然而,總的來說,即使是這些表示贊美的評論家,也對小說所講的故事和小說的意義不感興趣。)
  • 10、on the whole, his advice is good.(總的來講,他的建議很好。)
  • 11、on the whole, no.(總體上來說,沒有。)
  • 12、For the purposes of social life, in addition to the convention about harvest-time, a most elaborate code of honour has been established and ison the whole faithfully observed.(為了社會生活目的,除了關于收獲季節的慣例外,還制定了一套最詳盡的榮譽準則,而且總體上是需要嚴格遵守的。)
  • 13、on the whole, I should say yes.(總體來說,我應該說滿意的。)
  • 14、In its most general sense, prescriptivism is the view that one variety of language has an inherently higher value than others, and that this ought to be imposedon the whole of the speech community.(從最普遍的意義上說,規定主義指一種語言比其他語言具有更高的內在價值,而這種價值應該強加于整個語言群體。)
  • 15、Time wore on pleasantly, and likewise smoothly,on the whole.(總的來說,日子過得很愉快,也很順利。)
  • 16、on the whole it does a good job.(總的來說,這工作做得還不錯。)
  • 17、"Finest houseon the whole river," cried Toad boisterously.(“整條河上最好的房子?!蓖械峦劾餐劾驳亟械?。)
  • 18、Yes, Tom's life was varied and pleasant enough,on the whole.(是的,總的來說,湯姆的生活是豐富多彩、十分愉快的。)
  • 19、on the whole, people miss the opportunity to enjoy leisure.(大體上說,人們都渴望享受休閑時光的機會。)
  • 20、He liked themon the whole, and he told her about the beginning of fairies.(他大體上還是喜歡他們的,他告訴她關于仙子的起源。)
  • 21、on the whole, the evidence is positive.(總體來說,這還是有各種積極的跡象。)
  • 22、His death cast a blighton the whole of that year.(他的死使那一整年都處在陰影之中。)
  • 23、His resignation will have a ripple effecton the whole department.(他的辭職將會在整個部門中引起連鎖反應。)
  • 24、on the whole these projects were a failure.(所有這些項目都失敗了。)
  • 25、on the whole, I'm in favour of the idea.(大體說來,我贊成這個想法。)
  • 26、on the whole, you may be pretty sure, if you go into your garden, and find many flowers — as tulips, marigolds and morning glories — shut, it will be a stormy day, unfit for picnics or long walks.(總的來說,如果你走進花園,發現郁金香、金盞花和牽?;ǘ己仙狭嘶ò?,你可以肯定,這天將會有暴風雨,不適合野餐或長時間散步。)
  • 27、Those in business are not,on the whole, conversant with basic scientific principles.(總體來說,經商的人不熟悉基本的科學原理。)
  • 28、In fact, it is the most densely populated regionon the whole island of Sicily.(事實上,它是整個西西里島上人口最稠密的地區。)

on the whole基本釋義

on the whole

英 [?n e? h?ul] 美 [ɑn ei hol] 

大體上,基本上,總的來看[說]; 大抵; 大致如此; 大致

