
spring into being造句

spring into being造句

更新時間:2024-06-02 23:42:46


spring into being造句

  • 1、It shows the two steel nuggets being sculpted by the grandfather and then how they spring to life in the hands of two children before morphing into various sporting poses.(它顯示了兩根鋼塊被雕刻的祖父和他們如何生活在春天的手在變形成為各種體育帶來的孩子。)
  • 2、Television was not invented by any one person. Nor can itspring into being overnight.(電視不是某一個人發明的,也不是能在一個晚上突然出現的。)
  • 3、While almost all flowers come into blossom in spring, the plums go against the conventionality by flowering in deep winter, thus earning a reputation for being fearless of severe cold.(花兒都在春天開,但是梅花卻違背常規在深冬綻放,它因不畏嚴寒而贏得盛譽。)
  • 4、With New York easing its way into spring, being outdoors under a blue sky is almost as refreshing as the chance to stab a thumbtack into a fat, balding, caricature of a boss.(伴因為紐約逐漸進入春天,在藍天下的戶外活動就和把釘子釘進一個肥胖,禿頂的漫畫老板的身上一樣讓人覺得過癮。)
  • 5、The Chinese kite came into being in the Spring and Autumn Period and since then it has had a history of over two thousand years.(中國風箏在春秋時期就已出現,距今有兩千多年的歷史了。)
  • 6、In the spring and Autumn period, copper and iron chopsticks came into being.(在春秋時期出現了銅制和鐵制的筷子。)
  • 7、The proto-scientists did notspring into being as paid-up believers in modern materialism and rationality.(早期科學家不會瞬間就變成現代唯物主義和理性原理的信奉者。)
  • 8、Fine designed, it is like a colour waistbelt around the waist, the balloons spring and come into being a buoy around oxters after inflated, it is very convenient to wear.(產品設計精巧,如一條彩色腰帶扎在腰間,充氣后,氣囊從腰帶中崩出形成救生圈圍于腋下,穿著方便實用。) 【好工具hao86.com】

spring into being基本釋義
