
human being造句

human being造句

更新時間:2024-06-02 23:59:30


human being造句

  • 1、It's all part of thehuman being experience.(這都是人經歷的一部分。)
  • 2、I think what Aesop was suggesting is that when you offer a good turn to anotherhuman being, one can hope that that good deed will come back and sort of pay a profit to you, the doer of the good deed.(我認為伊索的意思是,如果你對別人行善,你可以期望對方會回報你,并給你帶來好處。)
  • 3、It's not a thing. It's ahuman being!(這不是一件東西,這是一個人!)
  • 4、Now let's take ahuman being on earth.(現在以地球上的一個人為例。)
  • 5、I am ahuman being at sea like you, like everyone.(我和你一樣,和每個人一樣,感到茫然困惑。)
  • 6、Next time you have the option to either stay home and close the blinds or to sit on the porch with anotherhuman being.(下次你可以選擇呆在家里,關上百葉窗,或者和另一個人坐在門廊上。)
  • 7、What do you want as ahuman being?(作為一個人你想要什么?)
  • 8、He was the kindesthuman being, 'she said.(“他是最善良的人,”她說。)
  • 9、The soldier acted qua soldier, not as ahuman being.(那名士兵當時以軍人的身份行事,而不是以一般人的身份。)
  • 10、In everyhuman being there is a wish to ameliorate his own condition.(改善自己境況的愿望人皆有之。)
  • 11、Because to them that is the Defaulthuman being.(因為對他們來說,人的默認定義就是白人。)
  • 12、Again, in Colombia, a speaker of English would have to know that when he indicates height he must choose between different gestures depending on whether he is referring to ahuman being or an animal.(再說一次,在哥倫比亞,說英語的人必須知道,當他提及身高時,他必須在不同的手勢中做出選擇,這取決于他指的是人還是動物。)
  • 13、The viewer sees not an actor working at his craft, but anotherhuman being struggling with life.(觀眾看到的不是一個演員在表演他的技藝,而是另一個在生活中掙扎的人。)
  • 14、There are also rules dealing with interpersonal relationships: Be a responsiblehuman being and do not do evil things to others.(處理人際關系方面也有一些規則:做一個負責任的人,不要對別人做壞事。)
  • 15、Although computer has many advantages, it can't take the place ofhuman being.(盡管電腦有很多優勢,但是它不能代替人類。)
  • 16、Eachhuman being has a place of poverty.(人人都有一處貧窮之地。)
  • 17、Mandela was not only a great president, but a greathuman being.(曼德拉不僅是一位好總統,更是一名偉人。)
  • 18、Should we rejoice in the death of anotherhuman being?(我們該為另一個人類的死亡而高興嗎?) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 19、It is your birth right as ahuman being.(這是你作為一個人與生俱來的權利。)
  • 20、The students, who were studying artificial intelligence, were interacting with the virtual assistant and couldn't tell it apart from a realhuman being.(學習人工智能的學生們正在與虛擬助手互動,且無法分辨出它與真人的區別。)
  • 21、They can tell you if something is moving but they don't necessarily know if it's ahuman being or if it's your kids — they don't know the difference, so they will warn you all the time.(它們可以告訴你是否有東西在移動,但不能肯定那是不是一個人,或者是不是你的孩子——它們看不出區別,所以會一直警告你。)
  • 22、The photographer vs. thehuman being.(這是攝影師的職業和人類情感的沖突。)
  • 23、"When you' re emotionally vulnerable, you' re even more in need of a caringhuman being," he says.(他說:“當你情感脆弱時,你更需要一個體貼、有愛心的人在身旁?!?
  • 24、That is no way to treat anotherhuman being.(那絕不是對待他人的方式。)
  • 25、What is a good, decenthuman being?(什么樣的人是善良、體面的人?)
  • 26、He didn't really believe that anyhuman being could read another's mind.(他并不真地相信一個人能夠看出另一個人的心思。)
  • 27、For thehuman being, following the Word of God, going with Christ means fulfilling oneself.(對于人類,若遵行神的道,與基督同行,就是成全自己。)
  • 28、Michael Jackson was ahuman being, but he was a king.(邁克爾·杰克遜是一個人類,但他是一個王者。)

human being基本釋義

human being

英 [?hju:m?n ?bi:??] 美 [?hjum?n ?bi??] 
第三人稱復數:human beings

