
be divide into造句

be divide into造句

更新時間:2024-05-19 23:15:39


be divide into造句

  • 1、If we divide transliterations into three levels of success, will they be as successful as Chow Mein, tofu or tea?(如果我們將音譯的成功水平劃分為三個層次,是否可以以炒面、豆腐或茶來代表這三個層次呢?)
  • 2、Provisions of current criminal law should be the basis to define the concept of official crime and the conception should divide into broad sense and narrow sense.(界定職務犯罪概念應當以現行刑法的規定為依據;職務犯罪的概念應當有廣義和狹義之分。職務犯罪與“公務犯罪”、“身份犯罪”之間存在包容和被包容的關系。)
  • 3、This article analyses the management incentive theory, which willbe divide into positive and negative incentive.(本文通過對管理激勵理論的分析,將管理激勵分為正向激勵和逆向激勵兩種激勵方式。)
  • 4、What makes grid computing unique is the ability to divide a large task into many smaller ones that can be carried out in parallel.(使網格計算如此獨特的是將大型任務拆分為許多可并行執行的較小任務的能力。)
  • 5、The emphasis is now on analysis and real world issues. Some brainstormers divide the ideas found to be useful into three lists.(現在的重點在分析和實際問題上。)
  • 6、So there will be not just one cloud but a number of different sorts: private ones and public ones, which themselves will divide into general-purpose and specialised ones.(所以,今后不會只有一種云而是很多不同樣的:私有的和專用的,針對通用功能和專業功能的。)
  • 7、The divisional walls will divide the long strip pit into several small pits that will be excavated alternately to keep the old station stable and safe during deep pit excavation.(為了保證基坑開挖過程中既有車站的安全,用隔墻將新地鐵車站長條形基坑分成小基坑間隔開挖。)
  • 8、The absorber couldbe divide into three major parts as absorber reaction tank, absorber spray zone and clean gas zone.(三大主要部分:吸收塔反應箱、吸收塔噴淋區和除霧區。)
  • 9、Attention is about focus and careful, thoughtful consideration. Unlike time – which can be broken into convenient chunks of 15 minutes – attention doesn't divide quite so neatly or easily.(注意力是一種專注、細致、思考的狀態。它不像時間那樣可以很方便地劃分成每個15分鐘——注意力不是那么容易整齊簡單地劃分。)
  • 10、I mentioned before that one of the best ways to ensure high quality matching requires that you divide the text to be translated into very small fractions.(我曾經說過,保證高質量匹配的最佳方法之一就是將翻譯文本分解成非常小的小片。)
  • 11、According to the different hip ease, the shape of pants canbe divide into five types: super loose pant, loose pant, the more body-fitted pant, fitted pant, slim pant.(褲裝的造型根據臀圍的不同放松量分為:超寬松褲、寬松褲、較貼體褲、貼體褲、緊身褲五種類型。)
  • 12、First of all, the implement of MBO for Nursery in Linhe Perfecture canbe divide into three stages, ie. the stage of Infancy, the stage of Progressive Improvement, and the stage of Deepening.(首先,將臨河地區實施幼兒園目標目標管理的歷程分為三個階段,即起步階段、逐步完善階段和深化階段。)
  • 13、For being convenient to study, pier scour wouldbe divide into three part: erosion by develop naturally, generally erosion and part of pier-erosion.(為了方便研究,將橋墩沖刷分為自然演變引起的沖刷、一般沖刷和橋墩局部沖刷三部分。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 14、That is, you divide up your processing into stages which can be overlapped during execution to maximize throughput.(也就是將處理劃分為多個階段,在執行時這些階段可以重疊以使吞吐量最大化。)
  • 15、The Revenue stamp of the China's Liberated Areas canbe divide into two category. Which are Design and print by oneself and overprinted surcharge.(摘要:中國解放區印花稅票可分為自行設計印制和臨時加蓋改值兩大類。)
  • 16、It would be much more sensible to divide them simply into learners and non-learners.(如能將人分類為“為學者”與“非為學者”則更為合理。)
  • 17、On the Web, for example, it used to be de rigueur to divide the page into browsable sections, or frames, even though the frames were confusing and slow to download.(比如,在網絡上,限于交際需要,過去人們往往把頁面分成幾個板塊或框架,即使框架令人困惑,并難以下載。)
  • 18、Whereas divide time whether the idea gets into little, the strength then is extra opposite than to must be a mini bit weak.(反之分身如果念頭進入得少,力量則相對于要弱一些。)
  • 19、It's so tempting to be rude to people you hate, but don't let anger and hatred divide people into good and bad.(太容易粗魯地對待你討厭的人,但不要讓憤怒和仇恨將人分為好的和壞的。)
  • 20、You could perpetually toe-dip and divide each endeavor into perfectly partitioned portions. That would be safe.(你可以連續全心投入并把每次的努力很好地劃分成幾個部分。)
  • 21、On the basis of whether there exists correlativity between the products and business scopes, diversified strategy canbe divide into two kinds: related diversification and non-related diversification.(根據企業經營的各產品或產業之間是否存在相關關系,可將多元化經營分為相關多元化經營和非相關多元化經營。)
  • 22、The shape of the articular surface of the cervical zygapophyseal joint couldbe divide into circular-type, ellipse-type which is the most one in each segment, and irregular-type.(頸椎間關節關節面的形態可分為圓型、橢圓型和不規則型,各節段均以橢圓型占優勢。)
  • 23、"If you divide that into eight parts there will be half a crown for each of, you," he said.(“如果你把它分成八份,每個人就能得到半克朗?!彼f。)
  • 24、To ensure continuous progress, you should seek to divide the work into smaller increments, each of which can be done in a couple of days.(為了確保持續的進展,您應該將工作劃分為許多小的增量,每一個增量可以在兩三天內完成。)
  • 25、Do you think it would be better to divide this space into two booths by using a wooden screen?(用木隔板把空間隔為兩間展示攤位是不是更好??)

be divide into基本釋義
