
close down造句

close down造句

更新時間:2024-06-02 12:33:58


close down造句

  • 1、The market later rebounded, toclose down by 348 points, but investors remain rattled.(股市稍后有所反彈,收盤時下跌348點,投資者依然困惑不解。)
  • 2、As providers of vital monopoly services, they canclose down entire cities.(由于他們提供重要的有壟斷性質的服務,足以讓城市停止運轉。)
  • 3、Ability to set the project in motion, keep the project in motion andclose down the project.(啟動項目,保持項目運作以及關閉項目的能力。)
  • 4、A combination of internal and external factors caused the company toclose down.(內外因結合導致了公司的倒閉。)
  • 5、Two is to resolutelyclose down backward production facilities.(二是堅決淘汰落后生產能力。)
  • 6、It's causing kids to kind ofclose down.(這會導致孩子們某方面的缺失。) Hao86.com
  • 7、Only at 32 years old, Azrael, the King of Terrors had summoned him and his pen wasclose down eternally against his original will.(年僅32歲時就被死神給封筆了。)
  • 8、They saw McDota, the local rip-off,close down.(他們看著本地價格昂貴的麥勞特關門倒閉。)
  • 9、When they run into problems like disease, the commercial firmsclose down and move on, leaving the local people without jobs.(當它們遇到諸如疾病的問題時,商業公司便會關閉,另找地方,而當地人則因此失業。)
  • 10、The businessman cannotclose down his factory or shop because he finds it unprofitable.(企業家不能因為沒有利潤就關閉或者出售企業。)
  • 11、It was forced toclose down its website for ten hours while the problem was rectified.(為了解決故障,“Cahoot”被迫關閉了10個小時。)
  • 12、She said, 'I just want you to know: at four o 'clock today, I had toclose down my foundation.'(她說,'我只是想讓你知道:在今天下午四點鐘,我不得不關閉了我的基金會。)
  • 13、Firstclose down the borders and refuse to allow any exports out.(首先關閉邊界,禁止任何出口。)
  • 14、So what structure should you use toclose down a presentation?(你用什么樣的結構來結束陳述?)
  • 15、Some small plants are forced toclose down.(一些小型工廠被迫倒閉。)
  • 16、According to Mr Fujimoto's models, the last existing nuclear plant couldclose down in 2049.(根據藤本提供的模式,最后一個現存核電站可于2049年關閉。)
  • 17、Most other countries are saying, "Let's take a pause and learn lessons after Fukushima", not "Let'sclose down nuclear power".(其它多數國家都在說"暫停一下,學習福島核危機的教訓",而沒有說"關閉核電站"。德國是個特例,默克爾正處在特殊時期。)
  • 18、And she emphasizes that no decisions have yet been made toclose down these programs permanently.(她同時強調說,目前還沒有任何決定關于永久終止設立這些學科。)
  • 19、close down any running Firefox instances.(關閉任何正在運行的Firefox實例。)
  • 20、Although the LHC is expected toclose down briefly over Christmas, it is scheduled to reopen early in the new year.(盡管這個大塊頭預計在圣誕節前后會關一會,但新年過后又將重啟。)
  • 21、As a result, governments have had toclose down some areas of sea to commercial fishing.(因此,政府不得不關閉一些進行商業捕魚的海域。)
  • 22、A lot of schools willclose down.(許多學校將會停學。)
  • 23、Marketsclose down entirely.(市場完全停止運作。)

close down基本釋義

close down

英 [kl?uz daun] 美 [kloz da?n] 
關閉; 停業