
break down造句

break down造句

更新時間:2024-06-03 00:12:46


break down造句

  • 1、One day we'll see Venicebreak down.(總有一天,我們會看到威尼斯垮掉。)
  • 2、The two countries are going to meet tobreak down some barriers to trade between them.(這兩個國家將舉行會議,旨在打破它們之間的一些貿易壁壘。)
  • 3、They easilybreak down when they face difficulties.(他們面對困難時很容易崩潰。)
  • 4、In 'come back', 'break down' and 'fall off', 'back', 'down' and 'off' are all adverbial particles.(在comeback、breakdown和falloff中,back、down和off都是副詞小詞。)
  • 5、It takes a long time tobreak down prejudices, but we have to keep trying.(消除偏見需要很長時間,但我們仍要不斷努力。)
  • 6、Berry agrees and hopes her team's findings might one day help tobreak down plastics in landfills.(貝里對此表示同意,并希望她團隊的研究結果有朝一日能幫助分解垃圾填埋場中的塑料。)
  • 7、If the food situation continues to worsen, entire nations willbreak down at an ever increasing rate.(如果糧食狀況持續惡化,那整個世界將會以越來越快的速度崩潰。)
  • 8、The worms' ability tobreak down their everyday food also allows them tobreak down plastic.(蠕蟲能分解日常食物,它們也能分解塑料。)
  • 9、At around age 60, "muscles really start tobreak down," say Kathryn Starr, an aging researcher, "and because of that, the protein needs of an older adult actually increase."(在60歲左右,“肌肉真的開始分解,”一位研究衰老的研究員凱瑟琳·斯塔爾說,“也正因為如此,老年人對蛋白質的需求實際上增加了?!?
  • 10、Damaged cells are then cleaned up and the body sends cells specially designed tobreak down the large muscle fiber fragments.(受損細胞隨后被清理干凈,并且身體會產生專門用于分解大塊肌纖維碎片的細胞。)
  • 11、If we can only get to the old tannery before webreak down!(要是我們能在累垮之前趕到老制革廠就好了!)
  • 12、Attempts must be made tobreak down the barriers of fear and hostility which divide the two communities.(必須設法消除造成這兩個團體不和的恐懼和敵意。)
  • 13、The analysis shows that plastics, particularly those thatbreak down fast, are contributing to the climate change.(分析表明,塑料正在導致氣候變化,尤其是那些快速分解的塑料。)
  • 14、They can sometimesbreak down and you have to spend time mending them.(它們有時會發生故障,你不得不花時間來進行修補。)
  • 15、When marriagesbreak down children are swept into the vortex of their parents' embittered emotions.(當婚姻破裂時,孩子們也被卷入父母間日益惡化的情緒漩渦中。)
  • 16、It appears that the shell has to crack open orbreak down somewhat to allow the seed to soak up water.(看來,為了讓種子吸收水分,種子的外殼必須裂開或破裂。)
  • 17、The two species effectively team up tobreak down young rice plants for their nutrients, causing a plant disease known as rice seedling blight.(這兩個物種有效地合作,來分解水稻的幼苗作為它們的營養來源,造成一種叫水稻立枯病的植物病害。)
  • 18、Many people were expecting (that) the peace talks wouldbreak down.(許多人預料和平談判會破裂。)
  • 19、She had been waiting for Simon tobreak down the barrier between them.(她一直在等著西蒙來破除他們之間的隔閡。)
  • 20、A more complicated system is, in general, more likely than a simple system tobreak down.(一般來說,一個更復雜的系統比一個簡單的系統更容易崩潰。)
  • 21、Why are many students so easy tobreak down?(為什么很多學生那么容易崩潰?)
  • 22、She made numerous efforts tobreak down colour lines in public places.(她為打破公共場所的種族界限做出過許多努力。)
  • 23、When Hehemann tested some of the genes from this bacterium, he found that, as expected, this bacterium made special enzymes tobreak down nori.(當Hehemann測試這種細菌的一些基因時,他發現,正如所料,這種細菌生產特殊的酶來分解紫菜。)
  • 24、They change sugar into acids, whichbreak down the tooth's harder outer covering.(它們把糖變成酸,酸會破壞牙齒較硬的外層。)
  • 25、You are intelligent because you have the ultimate weapon against the big N.B.D—Nervousbreak down.(你很聰明,因為你有對付嚴重精神崩潰(N.B.D)的終極武器。)
  • 26、Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networksbreak down in disasters.(當無線網絡在災難中發生故障時,老式手機顯得至關重要。)
  • 27、Other initiatives fail tobreak down the data, too.(其他舉措也未能分解數據。)
  • 28、Marriages usuallybreak down as a result of the shortcomings of both partners.(婚姻常常因雙方的缺點而破裂。)
  • 29、It also means there are no moving parts tobreak down.(這也意味著沒有活動零部件可拆卸。) haO86.com

break down基本釋義

break down

英 [breik daun] 美 [brek da?n] 