
club time造句

club time造句

更新時間:2024-06-03 00:10:30


club time造句

  • 1、Now, this is not the first time that I had played golf - I picked up a golf club for the first time approximately 9 months ago and subsequently played on and off with friends.(現在,這不是我第一次打高爾夫球了?!蠹s9個月前我第一次參加高爾夫俱樂部,后來經常和朋友打球。)
  • 2、I mean, the Dolls play everything from a couple thousand seat theater to a couple hundred bodies smashed into a small club if it's the right time and place and town; we do all kinds of gigs.(我的意思是,Dolls會進行各種不同的表演,從幾千人的劇院到擠了幾百人的小俱樂部,只要在合適的時間、地點和城市,我們會進行所有類型的表演。)
  • 3、He is an active member of the school's stamp club, devoting most of his sparing time to stamp collecting.(他是學校集郵俱樂部的一位活躍會員,將他大部分的空閑時間用在集郵上。)
  • 4、He's a hard man, nothing could hold him back to come to the club in time.(他是一個古板墨守成規的家伙,什么也不會延誤他準時到達俱樂部的。)
  • 5、What we are talking about here, however, is the overall management of the club and especially over a period of time.(我們現在所提到的這種現狀,可能是這一段時間所特有的一種較為全面且行之有效的能成功管理經營俱樂部的模式。)
  • 6、"I don't understand," stammered the woman, "yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and a country club and we ate lobster and we danced and had a great time."(“我不明白,”女人結結巴巴地說,“昨天我在這的時候,還是一片高爾夫球場,還有鄉村俱樂部,我們還吃了龍蝦,唱歌跳舞,非??鞓??!?
  • 7、So I believe and that is in my mind a long time that the national coach is still different from a club coach.(所以很久以來我就知道當國家隊教練與當俱樂部教練不一樣。)
  • 8、In his time managing the club he has invested millions on new players.(他在管理俱樂部期間投入了幾百萬培養新運動員。)
  • 9、I don't think there are any worries with him in terms of me personally or what we're doing. I think the concerns go back once again to the time before I came to the club.(依照我個人的看法,對他沒有什么可擔心的,我認為在我來到俱樂部之前,已經再一次關注他了。) hao86.com
  • 10、It was the first time I got invited to that fancy club.(我被邀請去那種高級俱樂部還是第一次。)
  • 11、You’ve talked about taking a class, joining a book club, working on more challenging projects, and taking time to read more or even start a blog.(你說過要報個班、要參加個讀書俱樂部、要找個更加具有挑戰性的項目干干、要花更多時間閱讀甚或開個博客。)
  • 12、Even though some of these people, including myself, eventually left the ski club, several of the friendships I developed during my time there continue to this day.(雖然后來這些人,包括我自己本人,最終離開了滑雪俱樂部,與一些人在那時培養的友情一直延續到現在。)
  • 13、The club grew quickly and when it reached 180 members and the kids in the program won several state championships, she decided to devote all her time to cultivating and developing it.(這個俱樂部發展迅速,當它發展到180名成員時,項目中的孩子們贏得了幾個州冠軍,她決定把她所有的時間都用來培養和發展它。)
  • 14、So before signing any dotted line for a new gym membership, consider how time allotted to an athletic club could be far more effective in your boudoir.(所以在申請俱樂部新會員資格之前,考慮一下分配在俱樂部上的時間是否比“洞房花燭”更為實際。)
  • 15、Both men and women in the club were observed to use their right ear 72% of the time to listen to their conversational partners.(俱樂部中男女使用右耳傾聽同伴談話的時間占總時間的72%。)
  • 16、Silva loved his time with former club Valencia and he is fully focused on helping bring success to City.(席爾瓦熱愛之前的俱樂部,瓦倫西亞,并將全力以赴地為曼城帶來成功。)
  • 17、I spoke to a local civic club, spent good time with my friends, and enjoyed a raft of congratulatory letters and phone calls.(我在當地的市民俱樂部做了個演講,和朋友玩得很開心,收到了許多令人高興的祝賀信和電話。)
  • 18、I spent so much time on club activities during the four years. However, I did not miss any of my classes.(四年中我花了不少時間在社團活動上,然而我并沒有誤過一次課。)
  • 19、When you arrive at your destination, check out the fitness facilities at your hotel or a nearby health club — then schedule time for a travel workout.(當你到達你的目的地后,去看看你住賓館的健身設施或者附近的健身館——然后安排下時間來進行旅行鍛煉。)
  • 20、The loan of a player by one club to anotherconstitutes a transfer for a predetermined period of time.(球員從一家俱樂部租借至另一家俱樂部,是一種預先議定效力期限的轉會。)
  • 21、Munto Finance have for some time been interested in taking over a club in this country, and have looked in detail at a number of top clubs.(蒙托金融有一段時間對收購這個國家的俱樂部發生興趣,詳細研究過一些頂級俱樂部。)
  • 22、Anyway, I told him that other groups held raffles all the time and it was highly unlikely that the club would be prosecuted.(我告訴他,不管怎么說,其它一些組織一直在進行抽獎銷售活動,他們的俱樂部是不大可能遭到起訴的。)
  • 23、It is the first time since 2003 that the billionaires' club has contracted.(這是自2003年以來億萬富翁俱樂部首次縮減規模。)
  • 24、She began volunteering more of her time at the Club, tutoring younger children and organizing community service projects.(她開始將自己的大部分時間服務于此俱樂部,輔導年幼的兒童和組織社區服務項目。)
  • 25、Mario Balotelli insists he is enjoying his time at Manchester City and believes the club can win the Premier League title this season.(馬里奧·巴洛特利堅稱自己在曼城過的很開心,并且相信俱樂部能夠贏得本賽季的英超獎杯。)
  • 26、I can assure you that any time spent in our club will be a memorable experience.(我可以向你保證你在我們俱樂部度過的每一段時光都會成為難忘的記憶。)

club time基本釋義
