
be resistant to造句

be resistant to造句

更新時間:2024-06-03 00:14:06


be resistant to造句

  • 1、Managing change includes accepting change and supporting it, understanding why your team members maybe resistant to it, and finding ways to reduce that resistance.(這包括接受和支持變革、了解團隊成員為什么抵制變革以及找到減少這種抵制的方法。)
  • 2、This combination of characteristics—long, strong, flexible, resistant to salt water—makes Manila hemp a great material for ropes, especially for ropes that are gonna be used on ocean-going ships.(這種長、結實、柔韌、耐鹽水的特性結合,使得馬尼拉麻成為很好的繩索材料,特別是用于制作遠洋船只的繩索。)
  • 3、Insulation: insulation, thermal insulation and cold temperature performance, maybe resistant to cold and exposure.(保溫性:隔熱,保溫防寒及低溫性能優異,可耐嚴寒和曝曬。) hAo86.com
  • 4、The carbapenems are normally kept for emergencies and used when bacteria is found tobe resistant to more commonly prescribed antibiotics.(碳青霉烯類通常在緊急情況時才使用,用于細菌對常用的抗生素產生耐藥性之后。)
  • 5、The sensor membrane mustbe resistant to the medium in which the sensor will be used.(該傳感器膜必須抗拒傳感器在其中將使用的媒介。)
  • 6、In many cases, they mightbe resistant to the sort of standardisation that is necessary for exchange trading.(在很多情況下,信用衍生產品難以做到成為交易商品所必需的標準化。)
  • 7、Any organization with mature personnel tends tobe resistant to rapid change.(完善的組織擁有豐富經驗的人都會抵制快速的變化。)
  • 8、Hey shallbe resistant to ageing and fatigue in the face of sharp climatic variations.(且在氣候急劇變化時,應該耐老化,耐疲勞。)
  • 9、Lastly, farmers maybe resistant to tradable rights.(最后,農民可能抵制可交易的產權。)
  • 10、It's natural tobe resistant to learning a new approach to domain modeling when you've already mastered one that works - and the good news is that with SimpleDB, you don't have to.(當您已經掌握了一種方法之后,很自然您會對于學習新的域對象建模方法會有一些抵觸—而好消息是使用SimpleDB時,您不需要學習新東西。)
  • 11、Thus, in many cases, they mightbe resistant to the sort of standardisation that is necessary for exchange trading.(因此從多方面來講,信用衍生產品難以做到成為交易商品所必需的標準化。)
  • 12、No strain was induced tobe resistant to amoxycillin or furazolidone, and the inducible multiple of furazolidone was the lowest.(未誘導出阿莫西林或呋喃唑酮耐藥,呋喃唑酮可誘導倍數最低。)
  • 13、Dry grasses tend tobe resistant to trampling.(干草通常耐踐踏。)
  • 14、After the transgenes transferred, the E. coli bacteria were found tobe resistant to the antibiotic, showing that the transgenes had integrated into the bacteria's own DNA.(轉基因“橫向”遷移轉讓后,大腸桿菌的細菌被發現對抗生素產生抗藥性,顯示出轉基因轉入了細菌的基因。)
  • 15、But most GM crops are designed tobe resistant to the chemicals that kill weeds and bugs.(但是大多數的轉基因作物被設計為對殺草和蟲子的化學制品有抵抗力。)
  • 16、Novel H1N1 seems tobe resistant to amantadine and rimantadine, so these drugs should not be used in people with suspected novel H1N1 infection.(因為H1N1病毒對金剛烷胺及金剛烷乙胺具有耐藥性,所以禁止對疑似感染H1N1病毒的患者使用這類藥物。)
  • 17、The disease has proven tobe resistant to chemotherapy and other drugs, and in the past 20 years, only two treatments have been widely approved, with many other drugs failing in Phase III trials.(這種疾病已經被證明對化療和其他一些藥物治療有抗藥性,在過去20年中只有兩種藥物被批準應用于胰腺癌的治療,其他很多藥物都倒在了三期臨床試驗上。)
  • 18、A capsule, a slimy layer outside the cell wall, further encloses certain species. The capsule causes the cell tobe resistant to destructive chemicals.(莢膜是細胞壁外圍的一個粘性膜層,將某些種類的細菌進一步包圍起來,使細胞對于破壞性化學物質具有抵抗力。)
  • 19、When these reach tissues such as muscle, it causes the muscle tobe resistant to the actions of insulin.(當達到組織如肌肉組織,它會導致肌肉對胰島素的作用發生抵抗。)
  • 20、Finally, they tested the approach in mice with an ovarian cancer cell line known tobe resistant to taxane-based drugs such as docetaxel.(最后,他們檢測了對紫衫烷為基礎的藥物如紫杉萜抵抗的卵巢癌細胞系的小鼠。)
  • 21、Finished cable should have factory name (code No.), type, voltage and other marks which shouldbe resistant to wear.(成品電纜應有制造廠名(代號)、型號和電壓等標志,標志應耐擦。)

be resistant to基本釋義

be resistant to

[bi: ri?zist?nt tu:] 
對 ... 有抵御能力的; 耐 ... 的