be born造句

更新時間:2024-06-03 00:14:32


be born造句

  • 1、A baby willbe born tomorrow morning.(明天上午將會有一個嬰兒出生。)
  • 2、Only in my kingdom could such a wise little girlbe born!(只有在我的王國里才會有這么聰明的小女孩!)
  • 3、No one can remember what it is like tobe born.(沒有人能夠記得誕生時的樣子。)
  • 4、It wasn't meant tobe born that way.(它并不是命中注定就要以那種方式出生。)
  • 5、Their hope was that a new and better East Germany couldbe born.(他們的希望是一個全新更好的東德能誕生。)
  • 6、We can't allbe born rich, handsome, and lucky.(但我們不可能人人都生而富有、英俊和幸運。)
  • 7、Unfortunately for calves, winter is a difficult time tobe born.(但對于小牛犢來說,在冬季這個較為困難的時節出生則殊為不幸。)
  • 8、Some people seem tobe born happy.(有些人似乎生來就快樂。)
  • 9、Shouldn't webe born with the ability to work efficiently?(難道我們不應該是與生俱來地擁有有效工作的能力嗎?)
  • 10、Yet oddly enough, tobe born on the 13th of the month is not regarded with any fear at all, which just shows how irrational we are in our superstitious beliefs.(然而奇怪的是,人們對出生在這個月的13號一點也不擔心,這恰恰表明我們的迷信是多么不理性。)
  • 11、For a child tobe born with this disability indicates a defect in obstetric care.(孩子出生時就帶有這樣的殘疾,說明產科護理有問題。)
  • 12、The elephant calf is the first tobe born in Australia.(這可是澳大利亞頭一回有象寶寶出生!)
  • 13、In fact, they sometimes take their own lives because they are treated so badly, and because they believe they willbe born again, free and living in their own land.(事實上,他們有時會結束自己的生命,因為他們受到了如此惡劣的對待,因為他們相信自己會重生,自由地生活在自己的土地上。)
  • 14、"I didn't ask tobe born!" she bellowed.(“我沒有請求被生下來!”她大聲吼道。)
  • 15、Or a baby mightbe born with developmental defects.(抑或可能會使嬰兒天生發育不全。)
  • 16、Without intervention, just a few more boys wouldbe born than girls.(如果沒有人為干預,男孩只會略多于女孩。)
  • 17、“The Devil took me tobe born in Russia, ” wrote Alexander Pushkin.(亞歷山大·普希金曾寫道:“惡魔讓我生在了俄羅斯”。)
  • 18、How I canbe born again?’” says John.(我怎樣才能重生?”約翰這樣說道。)
  • 19、They don't even choose tobe born.(他們甚至沒有選擇要被生下來。)
  • 20、Today, in Afghanistan, a girl willbe born.(今天,一個女孩將誕生在阿富汗。)
  • 21、A swing sound that would change jazz was about tobe born.(一個即將改變爵士樂的搖擺聲音即將誕生。)
  • 22、A battle between what exists and what is yet tobe born.(一場已存在的和還未出現事物之間的戰斗)
  • 23、Easy Ways to Get rich:be born rich.(輕松致富方式11:出身富貴富n代。)
  • 24、There's a lurking variable which is just that people are more likely tobe born in June.(有一個隱藏變量,那就是大多數人都是在六月出生的。)
  • 25、A young child willbe born of poor people.(一位小男孩出生在窮苦人家。)
  • 26、There is no way that we canbe born shy.(我們完全不可能生來害羞。)

be born基本釋義

