
bring back to life造句

bring back to life造句

更新時間:2024-06-03 00:12:40


bring back to life造句

  • 1、Bring wilted veggies back to life - Soak wilted greens, carrots or celery in cold water for 20 minutes to bring the crunch back.(如何再利用些干癟的蔬菜-把那些個干癟的綠葉菜胡蘿卜或者芹菜在冷水中浸泡20分鐘,那樣它們吃起來又可以嘎吱嘎吱響拉?)
  • 2、Japanese researchers will launch a project this year to resurrect the long-extinct mammoth by using cloning technology to bring the ancient pachyderm back to life in around five years time.(日本研究者們于今年將發起一項研究,通過克隆技術使早已滅絕的猛犸象復生,在5年的時間里將古老的厚皮動物重生。) Hao86.com
  • 3、Physically, God, who is all-powerful, has the ability to destroy andbring back to life all creatures, who are limited and are, therefore, subject to God's limitless power.(從身體上說,神,全能者,擁有毀滅和給所有有限的創造物重新帶來生命的能力,因此,創造物服從于神城鎮限的力量。)
  • 4、He wasn't the first to attempt to bring tiny beings back to life in this manner.(他并不是第一個企圖用這種方式讓這些微不足道的生靈復生的人。)
  • 5、The onus today is really on us to take a step back and look at our own lives and see where and how we can bring more peace in our life and in the world on an ongoing basis.(今天我們承擔著巨大的責任,我們需要退一步,審視我們自己的生活和看看從哪里如何能帶來更多的和平。)
  • 6、These events may bring tears, but they are also a time to celebrate survival and the ability to get back to a normal life.(這些活動也許會讓人流淚,但它們也是慶祝幸存、慶祝能夠恢復正常生活的時間。)
  • 7、My father died last year—I wish I could bring him back to life.(去年我父親逝世了—我要是能使他起死回生該多好啊。)
  • 8、Flowers can bring a dull room back to life.(鮮花可使沉悶的房間恢復生氣。)
  • 9、You can come back to sanity and goodness and bring that sanity into your life.(你可以回復健康和美好,并把這種健康帶到你的生活中。)
  • 10、When the world starts coming on too strong, taking a few moments to refresh your memory of the small joys in your life can bring a calmness, centering, and contentment back to your day.(這個世界變化太快沖擊太多,當我們用那些生活中微小而簡單的歡樂重建我們的記憶后,我們的世界就又回到了平靜、自我、充實的每一天了。)
  • 11、Hopefully he'll bring the Planet of the Apes series back to life.(希望導演能讓《人猿星球》系列重獲新生。)
  • 12、The museum's collections bring this heritage back to life with a fascinating blend of working and static displays.(博物館的藏品通過動態和靜態展示的迷人融合,讓這一遺產重獲生命。)
  • 13、This can bring you back from losing your life or help to avoid hernias after coughing for days and weeks.(這可以把你從要命的咳嗽中拯救出來,避免咳嗽幾天或幾周后出現疝氣。)
  • 14、Ms Shulman does well to bring the poems back to life, but in the course of overstretching her argument she forgets about the man.(舒爾曼女士復活了懷特的詩歌,這一點做得很好,但是在過度論述一些觀點時,她把他遺忘了。)
  • 15、What have you found helps bring you back to the moment you're in and really start to enjoy the life you're living right now?(你找到了什么東西能幫助你活在當下,并且開始享受你現在的生活呢?)
  • 16、Not because of what they might cause; they would certainly bring Jacob back to life—Susan had no doubt about that, or worries.(這并不是因為把它們種下去會造成什么結果,它們肯定會讓雅各布復活——蘇珊對此根本就沒有疑問,或者是根本就不擔心。)
  • 17、Firstly, you have to think about what can I do to respect the building and how can I bring it back to life?(首先,你必須思考我能做些什么來尊重這座建筑,我怎樣才能讓它起死回生呢?)
  • 18、Experts studying them hope to find the genetic secrets of the mammoth and bring them back to life.(研究猛犸的專家們希望能破解猛犸的基因秘密,讓它們獲得重生。)
  • 19、So every time I try to talk about him, to bring him back to life, as I'm doing now, I feel a great sadness, an emptiness, as if I were on a cliff, and I have to be silent, or else drink.(所以每次我提起他的時候,都像我現在這樣,想使他復活過來,我感到非常悲傷,非??仗?,就好像我站在懸崖峭壁上,我必須默不作聲地站著,或者喝口酒壯壯膽子。)
  • 20、Kurzweil hopes to bring his dead father back to life.(庫茲韋爾甚至希望自己已經去世的父親可以復活。)
  • 21、As soon as the king of Israel read the letter, he tore his robes and said, 'Am I God? Can I kill andbring back to life?(以色列王看了信就撕裂衣服,說,我豈是神,能使人死使人活呢?)
  • 22、Bring them back to home you will start a new life style.(把它帶回家,你馬上就會開始一種全新的生活方式。)
  • 23、If I just keep them lightly polished and conditioned once a year, an hour a year, it's more than enough to bring them back to life.(如果我只是輕輕擦拭,一年一次,一年一小時,他們就會更耐用。)
  • 24、Bargaining - offering to do things for God if God will bring the loved one back to life.(討價還價:對“神”或“上帝”承諾去做某事,只要“神”/“上帝”可以使失去的親友復生。)
  • 25、You can unfreeze the permafrost in Siberia and bring things back to life that have been encased in ice for a million years, so who knows?(西伯利亞的永久凍元帶會解凍,并給冰層包裹的生物體帶來生命的復蘇,真是難以置信啊”。)

bring back to life基本釋義
