
bring through造句

bring through造句

更新時間:2024-06-03 00:12:39


bring through造句

  • 1、For soul is unique and has a unique expression tobring through each and every ascending human.(因為靈魂是獨一無二的,并通過每個提升人類有一個獨特的表達。)
  • 2、Edmund Spenser in The Faerie Queene does not bring Sir Guyon with his palmer through the cave of Mammon.(在《仙后》中,埃蒙德·斯潘塞并沒有讓蓋恩爵士帶著他的朝圣者穿越貪婪之神的洞穴。)
  • 3、Why is it that we're never observing this, for example, why is it the table doesn't diffract as we bring it through the door?(那么為什么我們,從來觀察不到它呢,舉個例子,搬動一個桌子穿過門,它為什么不衍射呢?)
  • 4、If we will take Him at His word, he will guide us through the course of life and bring us across the finish line safely.(如果我們都按照上帝的指示去做,上帝將引領我們通過生命的進程,并帶我們安全的抵達彼岸。)
  • 5、The kitchen door opened behind them; Fleur was trying tobring through more empty goblets.(廚房的門開了,芙蓉端著更多的空酒杯要進來。)
  • 6、This fall, the startup company Tivorsan Pharmaceuticals licensed rights from Brown to the key protein, biglycan, hoping to bring the potential therapy through clinical trials.(今年秋天,新興的生物制藥公司Tivorsan已經從布朗大學得到了這種關鍵蛋白biglycan的生產許可權,希望能將這種潛在的新療法帶入臨床試驗階段。)
  • 7、You can bring your binoculars or the telescope thing where you look through.(你可以把你的雙筒望遠鏡或望遠鏡之類的東西帶到你能看到的地方。)
  • 8、Reach through the loops and grab the short end, bring it towards yourself.(將較短的一段穿過圓環,并且朝向自己。)
  • 9、My first choice was My player, the mode that has you craft a player and bring him up through the ranks to hopefully earn a spot on a real NBA squad.(我的第一選擇是“MyPlayer”模式在此模式下你可以創建一個球員,把他帶到隊伍中去,以獲得真正的NBA席位。)
  • 10、It has benefits like because when youbring through young players, they develop a spirit together.(這是有好處的,因為當你培養年輕球員,他們一起提高了精神力。)
  • 11、Increasingly, the people admitted through its managed-migration programme bring skills that are in short supply in Australia.(通過管理遷移項目引入澳洲的人數不斷增長,他們帶來了當地緊缺的技術。)
  • 12、The use of mobile phones and portable videogames machines is prohibited in most schools and some do not allow pupils to bring them through the gates.(在絕大多數學校,手機和便攜式游戲機都不允許使用,還有一些甚至禁止小學生把它們帶進校園。)
  • 13、Participation grows through friends and networks and if "you realize that's how they're growing, you can start to take action" and bring in other students, he said.(他說,通過朋友和網絡,學生的參與度會提高,并且如果“你意識到他們就是這樣成長的,你就可以開始采取行動”,并把其他學生帶進來。) haO86.com
  • 14、Bring the data to the business logic, which can be achieved through caching and affinity routing.(使數據向業務邏輯進行移動,這可以通過緩存和關聯路由來實現。)
  • 15、Her illness was serious but the doctors managed to bring her through.(她病情嚴重,醫生好不容易使她轉危為安。)
  • 16、In addition, you can define XML documents inline (directly in the XProc document) or bring in documents through an external URI.(另外,還可以(直接在Xproc文檔中)定義XML文檔內聯或者通過外部uri導入文檔。)
  • 17、Bring the wide end up and through the front of the loop, pulling it down and to the right.(把寬端提起穿過圈,然后向下拉到右邊。)
  • 18、I still think he'llbring through the youngsters if they're good enough, so I don't think it would affect Arsene Wenger.(我依然認為他將會培養年輕小將,如果他們足夠優秀的話,所以我認為這不會影響到阿瑟·溫格。)
  • 19、Bring the wide end up and through the front of the loop, pulling it down and to the right. The seam should now be facing out.(把寬端提起穿過圈,然后向下拉到右邊。寬端的縫現在應該面朝外。)
  • 20、For instance, if you are a musician you could set a goal to bring pleasure to a lot of people through your creativity.(例如,如果你是一個音樂家,你就可以把通過自己的創造給他人帶來快樂為目標。)
  • 21、Once the door to social consciousness is opened, bring the spirit of your company through it to affect change.(一旦通往到社會意識之門打開,將企業精神貫穿于其間,改變就成為現實!)
  • 22、You canbring through pies and cakes, though cranberry sauce, jams, gravy, and other liquid or jellied foods are restricted to 3.4 ounces.(你可以攜帶派或蛋糕,但酸梅醬、果醬、鹵肉和其他液體的或凝膠狀食物還是要遵從3.4盎司的限制的。)
  • 23、Bring the wide end behind the knot and up through the loop.(讓寬端從結后面穿過圈。)
  • 24、By bringing cameras to the field, National Geographic helped bring archaeology into people's homes through the pages of its magazine.(將攝像機帶到此地,國家地理使人們能夠在家中通過雜志了解考古。)
  • 25、I don't identify with the priests yet I honor them for theybring through what they were taught and what they feel is the right thing.(我不認為與牧師有關系,然而我尊敬他們,因為他們通過他們的教導帶來和帶來他們感覺正確的事物。)
  • 26、Buying spices from a bulk bin, for example, can greatly reduce the amount of packaging we bring home and eventually through out.(例如,購買散粒儲存箱里的香料可以大大的減少我們帶回家最終扔掉的包裝。)

bring through基本釋義

bring through

英 [bri? θru:] 美 [br?? θru] 

