
play a part造句

play a part造句

更新時間:2024-06-02 23:48:40


play a part造句

  • 1、Technical and exchange rate factorsplay a part here.(技術和匯率方面也有一部分因素。)
  • 2、Newspapers alsoplay a part.(報紙也插了一腳。)
  • 3、External physiological factors alsoplay a part.(外在的生理因素也有一定作用。)
  • 4、I accept the fact that fear will alwaysplay a part in my life.(我接受恐懼總是占據我生命一部分的事實。)
  • 5、Recent structural changes alsoplay a part.(最近的結構性變化也扮演了重要角色。)
  • 6、Good health is key if older people are to remain independent and toplay a part in family and community life.(其中身體健康是關鍵,如果老年人生活能保持自理就要參與家庭和社會生活。)
  • 7、Elements of all theseplay a part, but the underlying problem is deeper.(所有這些因素都占了一部分的原因,但是根本的問題是更深層次的。)
  • 8、The answer is far from clear-cut, and cultural attitudesplay a part.(這個問題不好回答,并且這也涉及到文化態度。)
  • 9、A recent suggestion that mobile phones mayplay a part has also been dismissed.(最近有建議說移動電話可能起了一定作用,但這種說法已不再有人相信。)
  • 10、While genetics are thought toplay a part in autism, the condition is not inherited in a straightforward way.(雖然基因遺傳在是自閉癥的一個病因,但是這并不是一個簡單的遺傳過程。)
  • 11、Money worries may alsoplay a part, said Oxford University researcher Dr Cecilia Pyper.(牛津大學的研究人員西西莉亞?派珀博士說,關于錢的煩惱可能也是壓力來源之一。)
  • 12、How Quantum Mechanics And General Relativityplay a part?(量子力學和廣義相對論的影響。)
  • 13、An autism charity says genetics onlyplay a part in the disorder.(一個自閉癥慈善機構認為基因只是其中一部分自閉癥病因。)
  • 14、Small differences in the manufacturing tolerance of a battery's cells mayplay a part.(蓄電池組各個電池制造誤差間的差異可能是第一種原因。)
  • 15、Who knows – you just mightplay a part in a discovery that changes history.(說不準你就能改變歷史!)
  • 16、Talent, skill and luckplay a part, but there is more.(天分,技能和運氣起一部分作用,但還有更多。)
  • 17、The type and frequency of the customizations willplay a part in where the customization is performed.(定制的類型和頻率會對定制執行的位置產生影響。)
  • 18、Carbon targets, carbon-intensity targets like China's, and carbon-price targets can allplay a part.(碳目標、碳強度目標(中國的)以及碳價格目標都會起到作用。)
  • 19、Even though scientistsplay a part in transmitting information to journalists and ultimately the public, too often the blame for ineffective communication is placed on the side of the journalists.(盡管科學家在將信息傳遞給記者和公眾方面發揮了一定作用,但人們往往將無效溝通歸咎于記者。)
  • 20、Hormones alsoplay a part.(激素也占有一席之地。)
  • 21、Tannins may alsoplay a part in the beneficial health aspects of moderate red wine drinking.(單寧對于適度飲用紅葡萄酒的人來說,還可帶來健康方面的益處。)
  • 22、Resources and programs where users anywhere canplay a part in shaping and recreating the content.(全球各個角落的用戶所提供的資源和程序,都可以參與網站內容的重構。)
  • 23、It is ingenuous to suppose that money did notplay a part in his decision.(如果以為他的決定沒有金錢的因素,那就太天真了。)
  • 24、Our workplace culture, social norms and individual behaviors allplay a part.(我們工作場所的文化、社會規范和個人行為都發揮了作用。)
  • 25、Dong Rongrong, staring Little Meixia in the TV play 'Niezhai', is also going toplay a part.(《孽債》中“小美霞”的扮演者董蓉蓉在劇中扮演角色。)
  • 26、Proteins, vitamins and amino acids may allplay a part in the health benefits of eating fish.(蛋白質,維生素和氨基酸在吃魚對健康的好處中發揮一部分作用。) hao86.com
  • 27、Its relationship to its immediate environment seems toplay a part in which behavior will display.(它與它直接所處的環境之間的關系似乎某種程度上決定了它將表現出什么行為。)
  • 28、But humans tooplay a part.(但是人類也有責任。)
  • 29、Your parents' personalities alsoplay a part in how they'll react.(你父母的性格也決定了他們如何對此作出反應。)

play a part基本釋義

play a part

[plei ? pɑ:t] 
扮演一個角色; 在 ... 中起作用