at hand造句

更新時間:2024-06-02 12:56:15


at hand造句

  • 1、The police station is closeat hand.(警察局近在眼前。)
  • 2、It's high time that you concentrated on your workat hand!(是該你集中精力做你手頭上工作的時候了!)
  • 3、These problems needed still another solution, and the ingredients for it lay closeat hand.(這些問題還需要另一個解決方案,而解決問題所需的條件其實唾手可得。)
  • 4、They are afraid of my beak; and I have always a witty answerat hand.(他們怕我的嘴,我總能隨時給出機智的回答。)
  • 5、At last the final act wasat hand.(最后一幕終于上演了。)
  • 6、Too often, the list is seen as the accomplishment for the day, reducing the immediate guilt of not working on the tasksat hand by investing energy in the list.(這太常見了,清單被看作是一天的成就,通過在清單上投入精力來減少沒有完成手頭工作的即時罪惡感。)
  • 7、There were some side passages nearat hand.(附近有幾個叉路口。)
  • 8、Victory isat hand!(勝利就在手邊!)
  • 9、To make it easier to get in touch with us, you'd better keep this cardat hand.(為了方便跟我們聯系,你最好留著這張卡片。)
  • 10、Mulan gave me a pathetic lower-teeth-revealing smile and grunted a charity chuckle. Then she got back to the topicat hand.(穆蘭勉強一笑,露出下顎的牙齒,發出善意的輕笑。接著她又回到現有的話題上。)
  • 11、Help wasat hand.(援助近在咫尺。)
  • 12、The property is ideally located with all local amenities closeat hand.(這處房地產的位置很理想,離當地的福利設施都近。)
  • 13、That moment, he said, now seems closeat hand.(他說現在看來那一刻就要到來。)
  • 14、To make it easier to contact us, you'd better keep this cardat hand.(為了更方便地聯系到我們,你最好隨身帶著這張卡片。)
  • 15、Now, let us finish the workat hand.(現在,讓我們完成手頭的工作。)
  • 16、I come to gaze upon your Windows nearat hand.(我到您窗子下面的近處來望望。)
  • 17、Help isat hand from the Internet.(從互聯網上著手會有所幫助。)
  • 18、Having the right equipmentat hand will be enormously helpful.(有合適的工具在手邊將會極為有用。)
  • 19、Christmas wasat hand, the girl recovered.(圣誕節即將到來,女孩康復了。)
  • 20、There are good cafes and a restaurant closeat hand.(附近有幾家挺不錯的咖啡館和一家餐館。)
  • 21、No matter why there is growing interest in self help books, it's good to know that help isat hand if we need it.(不管為什么人們對自助書籍越來越感興趣,知道如果我們需要,幫助就在手邊是件好事。)
  • 22、Print it out and keep itat hand.(將其打印出來,放在手邊。)
  • 23、I haven't my bookat hand.(我的書不在手邊。)
  • 24、Mine end is nowat hand: so say these warnings, and my failing pulses do confirm it.(我的末日就在眼前,從這些警告可以看出,還有我那衰竭的脈搏確實證實了這一點。)
  • 25、Can you just Ignore the situationat hand?(你能對你眼前的這種情況視而不見嗎?)
  • 26、But I think, the really successful negotiator is probably born with six sense about responding appropriately to the situationat hand.(但我認為,真正成功的談判者可能生來就有第六感,知道如何對當前的形勢做出適當的反應。)
  • 27、Now it isat hand.(現在卻近在眼前了。)
  • 28、There is a view that using celebrities can detract people from the problemsat hand.(有觀點認為,利用名人可以轉移人們對當前問題的注意力。) (好工具
  • 29、As James Pennebaker of the University of Texas notes in his book, The Secret Life of Pronouns, when people are feeling confident, they are focused on the taskat hand, not on themselves.(正如德克薩斯大學的詹姆斯·彭尼貝克在他的書《語言風格的秘密》中指出的那樣,當人們感到自信的時候,他們關注的是手頭的任務,而不是自己。)

at hand基本釋義

at hand

英 [?t h?nd] 美 [?t h?nd] 