go round造句

更新時間:2024-06-03 00:01:38


go round造句

  • 1、It used to be three kilometres but most people wanted to do a bit more than that so we lengthened it to five kilometres—we nowgo round the lake twice and that adds an extra two kilometres.(以前是3公里,但大多數人想多逛一下,所以我們把路程延長到5公里——現在我們繞湖兩圈,這就比以前增加了2公里。)
  • 2、Let usgo round the garden and count how many wick ones there are.(讓我們繞著花園走一圈,數一數還有多少棵是活蹦亂跳的。)
  • 3、Indeed, the world produces more than just enough togo round.(事實上,世界產多余需。)
  • 4、We're copying from textbooks because we don't have enough togo round.(我們在抄寫課本,因為不夠每人一本。)
  • 5、Here wego round the books and bags.(我們繞著書和袋子走。)
  • 6、The faces of English girls look as if there is not enough materials togo round.(英國女孩的臉瘦削而失圓潤,看上去像沒有吃飽的樣子。)
  • 7、Money. The stuff that makes the worldgo round.(錢是使世界運轉的東西。)
  • 8、'Do all you can for other people,' he says. 'That's what makes the worldgo round.(他說,要盡你所能幫助別人,這樣世界才能正常運轉。)
  • 9、But if the harvest is normal, you usually have enough togo round.(盡管如此,如果收成一般的話,你還是有足夠的食物供三餐的。)
  • 10、Here wego round the prickly pear.(這兒我們圍繞著仙人球。)
  • 11、There isn't enough cake togo round.(沒有足夠的蛋糕分給每人吃。)
  • 12、It's unprofessional togo round criticizing your colleagues.(總是指責同事,這不符合職業道德。)
  • 13、It is the love that makes the worldgo round.(愛是推動世界的力量。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 14、You didn't get enough books togo round.(你領的書不夠數。)
  • 15、How can money simultaneously make the worldgo round and be the root of all evil?(金錢何德何能,能一邊讓世界運轉,卻同時是萬惡之源?)
  • 16、How do you make the wheelsgo round?(你是怎么讓輪子轉起來的?)
  • 17、"What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but what happens in California makes the worldgo round." says a narrator.(一個解說員說道:“維加斯發生的事就在維加斯,而在加州發生的事情會讓世界運轉起來?!?
  • 18、B If you are driving,go round the Third Ring Road and head north.(B如果你開車的話,沿著三環往北開。)
  • 19、The lesson of Australia’s water management is that there is enough water togo round.(澳大利亞在水管理方面的教訓是它沒有足夠的水用來分配。)
  • 20、Money makes the worldgo round. This will never change.(世界運轉需要金錢,這永遠都不會改變。)
  • 21、The trouble is that there is not enough water togo round.(麻煩的是沒有足夠的水可以分配。)
  • 22、Money may make the worldgo round, but the only reason you know that is because a writer told you it did.(不錯,在這個世界上,金錢能使鬼推磨,但你也還是從作家那里知道的這個道理吧。)
  • 23、Alice heard it say to itself, "Then I'llgo round and get in at the window."(愛麗絲聽見它自言自語:“那我就繞過去,從窗戶進去?!?
  • 24、Have we enough cups togo round ?(我們的杯子夠大家用嗎?)
  • 25、What makes the worldgo round?Love?Money ?Energy ?Or science and technology ?(是什么東西讓世界延續?愛?金錢?能源?還是科學技術?)
  • 26、Theygo round carol-singing regularly at this time of the year.(每年這個時候,他們都有規律地到處唱圣誕歌。)
  • 27、And he liked to sit on my CD player andgo round and round.(他喜歡坐在我的CD唱機上打轉。)
  • 28、If you can't jump over the stream, you'll have togo round by the bridge.(你如果不能跳過這條小河,就必須繞道從橋上過去。)

go round基本釋義

go round

英 [ɡ?u raund] 美 [ɡo ra?nd] 
足夠分配; 到處走動