
come around造句

come around造句

更新時間:2024-06-03 00:10:08


come around造句

  • 1、Anyway they don'tcome around in the daytime, so what's the use of our being afeard?(反正他們白天是不會出來的,我們怕他們干嘛呢?)
  • 2、Could Icome around next Saturday?(我下星期六來拜訪好嗎?)
  • 3、When questionscome around at the end, you will be more equipped to answer them if you love what you talked about.(當演講結束大家來問你問題時,你也會準備得更好來回答你樂意討論的話題。)
  • 4、The trouble is, I didn't know how to react and actually felt bad for the officers who'dcome around to break this monumental news.(問題是,我不知道要怎樣反應,我都覺得對不住那些給我帶來消息的警察們。)
  • 5、Would youcome around noon?(你在中午前后來好嗎?)
  • 6、But Florida or Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, those states maybe they'll nevercome around to that.(但佛羅里達州或路易斯安那,密西西比州,阿拉巴馬,佐治亞,這些州,也許永遠都不會同意。)
  • 7、Within 30 minutes, I started tocome around.(不到30分鐘,我開始恢復了知覺。)
  • 8、I'llcome around.(我會來到你身邊。) hao86.com
  • 9、It appears now that the cycle hascome around again as a new crop of portal developers begin to build new projects.(隨著一群新的門戶開發人員開始構建新的項目,似乎這個周期又從頭開始了。)
  • 10、But by the next morning, Cassandra hadcome around.(但是到了第二天早上,卡桑德醒悟了過來。)
  • 11、Most vendors havecome around to recognizing that this is the most reasonable approach.(大部分廠商已經覺悟過來,認識到了這是最合理的途徑。)
  • 12、My birthday seems tocome around quicker every year.(我的生日似乎一年比一年來得快。)
  • 13、So how did he finallycome around?(那么他是如何最終愛上它的呢?)
  • 14、He banged his income tax form and yelled, "Well, you're not helping me, and I have no time for wise guys whocome around, especially foreigners."(他把稅單向桌上重重地一摔,叫道:“好啊,你們跟我添亂,我可沒時間跟你們這些自作聰明的人糾纏,尤其是外國人?!?
  • 15、Youcome around, I smile.(你來繞一繞,我來笑一笑。)
  • 16、With water splashed on his face, he sooncome around.(臉上潑了水后,他很快蘇醒了。)
  • 17、So, I'm not going tocome around and say, did you do your homework?(我不會圍著你們說,做作業了沒?)
  • 18、I was so embarrassed tocome around anybody, " she says. "I was doing so good."(我不好意思去見任何人,”她說,“我以前做得太好了?!?
  • 19、You should alwayscome around.(你總會來到我的身邊。)
  • 20、Well, I'llcome around and maow tonight.(好吧,我今晚到你家附近學貓叫。)
  • 21、Birthdayscome around too quickly when one is older.(一個人年紀大了生日就會到來得非???。)
  • 22、Injun Joe's ghost ain't a going tocome around where there's a cross!(印第安·喬的鬼魂怎么可能在有十字的地方游蕩呢!)
  • 23、May Icome around in the morning? Yes please do.(我可以上午來拜訪你嗎?可以,請來吧。)
  • 24、He was convinced she’dcome around. It baffled him why it was taking so long. And I could completely relate—to Amanda.(最終馬克確信她恢復到了原來的狀態,只是很疑惑為什么要花那么長的時間,而我也最終聯系上阿曼達。)
  • 25、"Antarctica creates a hostile environment," says the operations director for the British Antarctic Survey, "if you are not careful, it'llcome around and bite you."(“南極洲創造了一個充滿敵意的環境,”英國南極調查局運營總監說,“如果你不小心,它就會反過來咬你一口?!?
  • 26、He gets out that old letter. And wecome around to visit so he can read it to us.(我們來看他時,他拿出那封老信讀給我們聽。)
  • 27、He put me in difficult positions in dealing with other players such as Dennis Rodman, but I was able tocome around.(他有時讓我處理和其他球員的關系,比如羅德曼,這讓我感到很麻煩,但我能恢復過來。)

come around基本釋義

come around

英 [k?m ??raund] 美 [k?m ??ra?nd] 
順便來訪; 蘇醒; 復蘇