


更新時間:2024-06-02 12:41:49



  • 1、The five murders that Brady admitted carrying out were committed with Hindley as hisaccomplice.(那5起布雷迪供認的謀殺案里,辛德利都是作為共犯的身份參與實施。)
  • 2、He was anaccomplice with Bugotu in the bank robbery.(在搶劫銀行一案中他是布戈圖的共犯。)
  • 3、They accused his brother as Tom'saccomplice.(他們指控他的弟弟是湯姆的幫兇。)
  • 4、He became an unwittingaccomplice in the crime.(他糊里糊涂地成了犯罪的幫兇。)
  • 5、She was betrayed by heraccomplice.(她被她的同謀出賣了。)
  • 6、Arthur Edens: I'm anaccomplice!(亞瑟·伊登斯:我只是一個幫兇而已!)
  • 7、Witnesses said the gunman immediately ran to a motorcycle being ridden by anaccomplice.(證人們說該槍手立即向由一名同犯駕駛的摩托車跑去。)
  • 8、He was suspected as anaccomplice.(人們懷疑他是同謀。)
  • 9、Mrs Cwele and a Nigerianaccomplice were convicted of recruiting two women to smuggle drugs.(Cwele和一名尼日利亞同謀被判招募了兩名女子進行販毒。)
  • 10、Honesty is the killer of marriage, jealousy is anaccomplice.(誠實是婚姻的殺手,嫉妒則是幫兇。)
  • 11、Part three:accomplice and the convicted status.(第三部分:共犯與定罪身份。)
  • 12、She was her husband'saccomplice in murdering a rich old man.(她是她丈夫謀殺一個老富翁的幫兇。)
  • 13、Theaccomplice of a thief is his own enemy; he is put under oath and dare not testify.(人與盜賊分贓,是恨惡自己的性命;他聽見叫人發誓的聲音,卻不言語。)
  • 14、We are an ally, not anaccomplice.(我們是一個盟友,而不是幫兇。)
  • 15、In this we found anaccomplice.(在這件事上,我們找到了一個同謀。)
  • 16、He stalled the police for ten minutes so hisaccomplice could get away.(他在警察面前拖延了十分鐘,使他的同謀得以逃走。)
  • 17、Anaccomplice received a seven-year sentence.(一名從犯被判7年。)
  • 18、Are you anaccomplice to murder?(你是謀殺犯的幫兇嗎?) haO86.com
  • 19、He and a Kenyanaccomplice who was killed along with him were wrapped in a sheet and buried.(他和另一名同時斃命的肯尼亞副手被人用被單裹著埋了起來。)
  • 20、He was theaccomplice with Jack in the murder of Mr. Smith.(在史密斯先生謀殺案中他是杰克的共犯。)
  • 21、Anaccomplice shall be given a lighter or mitigated punishment or be exempted from punishment.(對于從犯,應當從輕、減輕處罰或者免除處罰。)
  • 22、The laughter of all is theaccomplice of universal degradation.(大眾的笑是普遍墮落的同謀。)
  • 23、He is suspected as anaccomplice of the murder.(他涉嫌為這次兇殺案的同謀。)
  • 24、He could not have committed this bank robbery without anaccomplice.(若無同謀,他是不可能搶劫這家銀行的。)
  • 25、Was he anaccomplice?(他會是同謀嗎?)
  • 26、Including recidivism and theaccomplice, deep origin has this explanation.(這說明連累犯與共犯有著深厚的淵源。)
  • 27、It had not been much of a heist; he said hisaccomplice "got some change" but he got nothing.(那都說不上是一次搶劫,他說他的同謀“搞了點零錢”而他一無所獲。)
  • 28、Yet regulation, if not a prime suspect, could still be anaccomplice.(然而,監管,即使不是頭號嫌疑犯,也算得上是共犯。)



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