
更新時間:2024-06-02 12:46:45



  • 1、Teachers shouldinspire all students to think creatively.(老師應該激勵所有學生發揮創造性思維。)
  • 2、Having the dream on paper caninspire you and your team to think of new solutions.(在紙上記下您的夢想可以激發您和您的團隊考慮新的解決方案。)
  • 3、She hopes toinspire the Jamaicans to lay down their weapons.(她希望能夠讓牙買加人放下武器。)
  • 4、You willinspire others to follow their own dreams, even if they know nothing about you.(你會鼓舞他人去追隨他們自己的夢想,即使他們對你一無所知。)
  • 5、Negative envy might drive you to destroy his success, but positive envy wouldinspire you to work harder and get promoted, too.(消極的嫉妒可能會驅使你毀滅他的成功,但積極的嫉妒會鼓舞你更努力工作,也會讓你升職。)
  • 6、He has neither the policies nor the personal charisma toinspire people.(他既沒有謀略也沒有個人魅力去鼓舞人。)
  • 7、We must promote originality,inspire creativity and encourage innovation.(我們必須提倡獨創性,激發創造力,鼓勵創新。)
  • 8、Downloading and testing some of them mightinspire you to become more of an expert at something that enriches your life more than any computer game ever could.(下載并測試其中一些程序可能會激發您成為某方面的專家,這比任何計算機游戲都更能充實您的生活。)
  • 9、The television repairman who wears uniform tends toinspire more trust than one who appears in civilian clothes.(穿著制服的電視修理工往往比穿便服出現的電視修理工能激發更多信任感。)
  • 10、In the case of great philosophers, however, better yet to preserve one's physical presence toinspire future generations of thinkers.(然而,對于偉大的哲學家來說,更好的辦法是保存一個人的存在,以激勵后世歷代的思想者。)
  • 11、The success has helpedinspire self-conscious debates on business school campuses over the worth of a business degree and whether management skills can be taught.(這項成功使人們開始在商學院校園自覺討論,關于商學學位的價值以及管理技能是否可以被傳授。)
  • 12、He couldinspire all feelings expressed in hymns. With his gold lyre and his sweet voice, he led the choir of the Muses.(他能激發出贊美詩中所表達的一切感情。他用他的金七弦琴和悅耳的聲音指揮著繆斯女神的唱詩班。)
  • 13、Subjects were picked toinspire or entertain.(主題的選擇是為了啟發或娛樂。)
  • 14、Our philosophy is toinspire kids at a young age to understand that engineering is a great career.(我們的理念是激勵孩子們在很小的時候就明白工程學是一項偉大的事業。)
  • 15、His ideas about what colors symbolize, about the emotions that different colorsinspire were based on the colors red, yellow and blue.(他關于顏色象征的思想,關于不同的顏色所能激起不同情緒的理論,是基于紅、黃、藍這些顏色的。)
  • 16、Official retrospections continue as to why London 2012 failed to "inspire a generation".(官方仍在反思為何2012年倫敦奧運會未能“激勵一代人”。)
  • 17、One day I came across a newspaper article about the motto of the London Olympics —inspire a generation.(有一天,我在報紙上看到一篇關于倫敦奧運會口號“激勵一代人”的文章。)
  • 18、That has the potential toinspire furious debate beyond mining.(那有可能激發超過采礦行業的激烈爭論。)
  • 19、This success willinspire me to greater efforts.(這次成功大大地鼓勵了我下次更加努力。)
  • 20、And different colors appeal to orinspire different emotions in different people.(不同的顏色會喚起或激發不同人的不同情緒。)
  • 21、At the same time, teachers are being encouraged toinspire their students to come to school regularly.(與此同時,老師們也被鼓舞著去激勵他們的學生定期來學校學習。)
  • 22、We did all we could toinspire his creative thinking, expecting that he could think up some new ideas for the project.(我們盡我們所能激發他的創造性思維,希望他能為這個項目提出一些新的想法。)
  • 23、By doing this, we want toinspire others to make their own transformers or other toys with waste materials.(通過這樣做,我們想要鼓勵其他人也去利用廢棄材料創作自己的變形金剛或者其他玩具。)
  • 24、By visiting schools, the actors hope toinspire children to put on their own productions.(演員希望通過訪問學校鼓勵孩子們演出自己的作品。)
  • 25、Despite immense differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics that instruct andinspire people.(盡管文化差異巨大,但世界各地的英雄通常都有一些共同的特點,即指導和激勵人們。)
  • 26、Taken Li He and Li Po as examples, Part four attempts toinspire students and fire their imagination through thinking in images.(第四部分以李賀、李白為例,通過形象思維激發學生的想象力,啟發他們的思路。)
  • 27、Our challenge is to motivate those voters andinspire them to join our cause.(我們的艱巨任務是要激勵那些投票者并鼓勵他們加入我們的事業。)
  • 28、Her work didn't exactlyinspire me with confidence.(她的工作并沒有真正地使我產生信心。)
  • 29、Modern dance seeks to show how deep emotions and the music itself, how these intangible attributes can affect andinspire physical movement, and how movement can convey emotions to the audience.(現代舞試圖展示情感和音樂本身的深度,這些無形的屬性如何影響和激發身體的動作,以及動作如何將情感傳達給觀眾。)



英 [?n?spa??(r)] 美 [?n?spa?r] 
名詞: inspirer 過去式: inspired 過去分詞: inspired 現在分詞: inspiring 第三人稱單數: inspires


