
更新時間:2024-06-09 12:45:38



  • 1、Onlybleach seemed able to destroy it.(似乎只有漂白劑能破壞它。)
  • 2、The acid in the lemon juice is a natural mildbleach and is effective in cleaning and deodorizing.(檸檬酸是一種天然溫和的漂白物,并對清潔和去味有奇效。)
  • 3、Will you be splitting up your stylesheets by purpose for easy management? (see digital-web,bleach)?(為了易于管理維護,你是否將你的樣式文件分為多個文件?)
  • 4、He came home in the early morning hours, high on ammonia andbleach, and made my mother prepare dinner for him in the dark.(他每天后半夜才回家,滿身都是氨水和漂白水的味道,讓我媽摸黑給他準備晚飯。)
  • 5、And she had tobleach her hair every few days, so that it wouldn't show under her blonde wig.(她每隔幾天就要漂染一次頭發,才不會在金色的假發下邊露出自己的發色。)
  • 6、For blends and colors, use an oxygenbleach.(對混紡和有色衣服,應使用氧漂白劑。) 【好工具】
  • 7、You should always use chlorinebleach for white clothes.(白色衣服應該總是使用氯漂白劑來洗。)
  • 8、These products don'tbleach the hair.(這些產品不會使頭發脫色。)
  • 9、This cloth is still stained; you'll have to give it anotherbleach.(這塊布仍然是染污的,你應該再漂一次。)
  • 10、Cleaning showerheads withbleach will not do since the microbes will simply return with a fresh flow of water.(用漂白劑清洗蓮蓬頭不會起什么作用,因為那些微生物會隨著新的水流不斷卷土重來。)
  • 11、Another way to disinfect them is in a freshly made solution of chlorinebleach.(另一個消毒的方法是使用含氯的漂白劑。)
  • 12、In order to give us our white paper and card, the makers will addbleach and other materials such as china clay and additional chemicals.(為了給我們提供我們的白紙和名片,制造商會添加漂白劑和其他材料,如陶土和其他化學品。)
  • 13、She scrubbed the counters down withbleach.(她用漂白劑把柜臺擦洗干凈。)
  • 14、Rinsed chlorinebleach bottles work well for water storage.(用含氯漂白劑清洗過的瓶子用來儲存食水效果最好。)
  • 15、Ordinary household chlorinebleach can cause the iron in water to precipitate out into fabrics, leaving additional stains.(一般的家用漂白劑可能會讓水中的鐵進入衣服的纖維,這樣衣服上可能會出現新的污漬。)
  • 16、A harsh sun is beating down on the white marble, threatening tobleach her out of the picture.(刺目的陽光打在白色大理石上,她幾乎被淹沒在光線之中。)
  • 17、The water should have a slightbleach odor. If it doesn't, then repeat the dosage and let stand another 15 minutes.(水會有輕微的漂白劑的氣味,如果沒有,重復以上劑量,靜置15分鐘。)
  • 18、Containers for water should be rinsed with ableach solution before using and reusing.(裝水的容器在使用和再使用之前,應該用漂白劑溶液清洗。)
  • 19、Treating water with chlorine tablets, iodine tablets, or liquidbleach will not kill many parasitic organisms.(用氯片、碘片、或液體漂白劑處理食水不會殺死很多寄生的生物。)
  • 20、If you've inhaled something (bleach or ammonia are common culprits), get away from the toxic area.(如果你吸進去一些東西(漂白劑、氨水是最常見的罪魁禍首),迅速遠離有毒物質所在區域。)
  • 21、We caught bass and bluegills from beneath the rafts of old soda andbleach bottles that floated at each logjam.(河上漂流的原木周圍浮滿了舊汽水瓶和漂白劑瓶,我們就在那下面捉鱸魚和藍鰓太陽魚。)
  • 22、The most notorious example isbleach, particularly when mixed with other cleaners — something that should never be done.(最有名的例子是漂白劑——尤其是那些混有其他清潔劑的,那是絕對不能使用的。)
  • 23、It was linen which had been laid tobleach on the grass.(那是一個放在草地上來漂白的床單。)
  • 24、Only non-chlorinebleach needed tumble dry low.(只有無氯漂白時需要低溫滾筒干燥。)
  • 25、The tree's roots are stripped and hung to season andbleach.(這些樹根被剝去皮并掛起來風干曬白。)
  • 26、bleach keeps the white clothes from yellowing.(漂白劑防止白衣服變黃。)
  • 27、True of hundreds of items from patent medicines tobleach to spices.(這一道理適用于成百上千種物品,從專利藥到漂白劑再到香料。)
  • 28、She left the cloth in the sun tobleach.(她把那塊布放在日光下曬白。)



英 [bli:t?] 美 [blit?] 
過去式: bleached 過去分詞: bleached 現在分詞: bleaching 第三人稱單數: bleaches


