
clear away造句

clear away造句

更新時間:2024-06-02 12:45:02


clear away造句

  • 1、Iclear away the dirty dishes.(我收拾臟的碗碟。)
  • 2、You need to stop lying to yourself,clear away the clutter and start working in a space that allows you to think and create.(你需要停止對自己撒謊,清理一下雜物然后再在一個能夠讓你思考和創作的環境中開始動作。)
  • 3、They dangle hope in front of our eyes, then snatch itclear away.(他們在我們眼前炫示希望,然后將它一把奪走。)
  • 4、When you get back to work, remind yourself what you want to be working on, andclear away all distractions.(當你重新回到工作崗位的時候,不要忘了你想要完成的任務,屏除心中的雜念。)
  • 5、clear away distractions and interruptions so you're not always switching your attention between things.(清除了分心和干擾,你就不用總是在不同的事物間切換自己的注意力。)
  • 6、We need toclear away the lingering clouds of wartime propaganda and begin understanding what really happened.(我們需要清理掉那些戰時口號帶來的縈繞不散的陰云,開始真正理解到底發生了些什么。)
  • 7、The prisoner gotclear away.(那囚犯逃得無影無蹤。)
  • 8、And chemicals that seem either to prevent the misfolding, or to help the bodyclear away misfolded molecules, do, indeed, exist.(能阻止分子錯誤折疊或幫助機體清除錯誤折疊分子的化學藥品似乎確實存在。)
  • 9、Change the observers and the vantage points,clear away some of the mist, and a different lot of peaks appear.("改變那些觀察者以及那些有利的方面,除去一些模糊不清的事物,巔峰者不同的命運就顯現了出來。)
  • 10、Our job is toclear away the rubbish.(我們的工作是清除這些垃圾。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 11、Your elbows and your brain need room to do what they do best, so you've got toclear away the clutter.(你的手和你的腦袋需要一定的空間去做它們最擅長的事,所以你需要清理雜物。)
  • 12、And it can help youclear away the smaller things so that when you want to work on your goal actions, you have the time.(它可以幫你處理瑣事,這樣當你想為目標采取行動時,你就會有時間。)
  • 13、Perhaps we need toclear away these books to make room for our new students.(為了騰出房間給新生,或許我們需要把這些書搬走。)
  • 14、Homeowners are asked toclear away the rubbish near their houses to prevent fire.(業主得將房屋附近的垃圾清理干凈,防止發生火災。)
  • 15、And that means weaker sea breezes toclear away the smog.(這就意味著夜晚從海面吹向大陸的用來清除煙霧的海風強度的減弱。)
  • 16、If you believe in that money can help youclear away all the difficulties in your life, you are bound to be greatly disappointed.(假如你相信錢能為你的生活解除萬難,你一定會大失所望。)
  • 17、I'll justclear away the breakfast things.(我這就收拾早餐餐具。)
  • 18、I'llclear away all the marketing hype, and give you the tools you need to make a clear assessment of whether or not SOAP is for you.(我將去除所有市場廣告,并給您一些工具來明確評估SOAP是否適合于您。)
  • 19、But wasn't Maria glad when the women had finished their tea and the cook and the dummy had begun toclear away the tea - things!(瑪麗婭能不高興嗎,女工們吃完了茶點,廚師和“啞巴”開始收拾茶具了!)
  • 20、Your explanation willclear away their misunderstanding.(你的解釋可以消除他們的誤會。)
  • 21、clear away your toys now, children!(孩子們,現在把玩具拿走!)
  • 22、Feel the tingly vibration of your hum as it flows from your stomach to your head. Feel itclear away tight and tense energy.(你可以感覺到那震動從你的胃流向頭部,感覺到它把你的緊張和壓力清除出去。)
  • 23、clear away any old coffee cups and lunch plates.(o清理掉所有的舊咖啡杯子和午餐盤子。)
  • 24、We want toclear away all these fusty ideas about education and bring in some up-to-date methods.(我們要清除所有這些過時的教育觀念,引進一些現代的教育方法。)
  • 25、Just choose one thing, andclear away all other distractions.(就選擇一件事兒,把其他困惑拋在腦后。)
  • 26、As usual, she helped Minnieclear away the dishes and straightened up.(她象往常一樣幫明妮洗好碗碟,整頓一下衣衫。)
  • 27、The waitress willclear away these dishes in a moment.(女服務員會馬上來收拾這些碗碟。)

clear away基本釋義

clear away

英 [kli? ??wei] 美 [kl?r ??we] 

消除; 散去; 驅除; 收拾餐桌
