
更新時間:2024-06-02 12:43:29



  • 1、Some were impressed with hisfluent Chinese.(一些人對他流利的中文印象深刻。)
  • 2、A: Are youfluent in English yet?(你的英文很流利嗎?)
  • 3、Participants imagined being one out of three people in a video clip who had either afluent conversation or a conversation in which flow was disrupted by a brief silence.(在一段視頻剪輯中,參與者們想象自己是三個人當中的一個,他們要么有一段流利的談話,要么有一段被短暫的沉默打斷了的談話。)
  • 4、She speaksfluent and idiomatic English.(她講一口流利地道的英語。)
  • 5、He had emerged from being a hesitant and unsure candidate into afluent debater.(他從一個吞吞吐吐、毫不自信的候選人成長為一位流暢的辯手。)
  • 6、His Indian robes contrasted oddly with hisfluent English.(他的印度長袍與他流利的英語形成了奇特的對照。)
  • 7、He speaksfluent Italian.(他說一口流利的意大利語。)
  • 8、It was absolutely accepted that an educated Roman should befluent in Greek.(毋庸置疑的是,一個受過教育的羅馬人必須會講流利的希臘語。)
  • 9、"He greeted me with 'apa kabar, Bapak Presiden' (How are you Mr. President) influent Indonesian," Yudhoyono was quoted as saying by the Koran Tempo daily.(《可蘭日報》援引蘇西洛的話說:“他用流利的印尼語問候我'你好嗎,總統先生'(apakabar,BapakPresiden)?!?
  • 10、Unusually, for a Japanese politician, he's afluent English speaker.(不同尋常的是,作為一位日本政府官員,他能講流利的英語。)
  • 11、She speaksfluent English.(她說一口流利的英語。)
  • 12、These poems were verbally inventive andfluent, but also "strangely boring".(這些詩歌在語言上別出心裁、行文流暢,但也“異常無聊”。)
  • 13、It is doubtful whether Ted, even with hisfluent French, passed for one of the locals.(讓人存疑的是特德——即使法語說得很流利——能否被人當作一名當地人。)
  • 14、His English wasfluent and idiomatic.(他的英語流利而地道。)
  • 15、She'sfluent in French and German. She also speaks a little Italian.(她的法語和德語講得流利,也會說一點意大利語。)
  • 16、He speaks French and German as well as Dutch, but he is shy of using English in public although he isfluent in it.(他能說法語、德語和荷蘭語,盡管他的英語說得很流利,但他卻羞于在公共場合使用它。)
  • 17、Grace seems quitefluent.(格蕾絲說得很流利。)
  • 18、She'sfluent in Polish.(她的波蘭語很流利。)
  • 19、Mary isfluent in English and she's just started to learn Japanese.(瑪麗的英語很流利,而且她剛開始學日語。)
  • 20、I remain to this dayfluent in Hebrew, while my Arabic is atrocious.(我直到今天希伯萊語仍很流利,而我的阿拉伯語則極差。)
  • 21、Speaking courses draw students' attention tofluent expression.(口語課讓學生注重流利的口頭表達。)
  • 22、She studied eight foreign languages but isfluent in only six of them.(她學了8種外語,但流利的只有其中的6種。)
  • 23、You will have the ability to drive a car and to communicate influent written and spoken English since you'll have to help those people with different learning disabilities.(既然你必須幫助那些有不同學習障礙的人,那么你要會駕駛汽車,擁有流暢的英語書寫和流利的口語交流能力。)
  • 24、You see, unlike any of the other scholars who had tried to crack the code, Champollion happened to befluent in Coptic.(你看,商博良和任何其他試圖破解這個密碼的學者都不一樣,他碰巧是精通科普特語的。)
  • 25、Amazed at my classmates'fluent spoken English, I was determined to be as good as they were.(驚訝于我同學們的流利的英語口語,我下定決心要和他們一樣優秀。)
  • 26、I wasn't bornfluent in English.(我天生英語也不流利。)
  • 27、He is afluent speaker of Hebrew.(他希伯來語說得很流利。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 28、Truelyfluent language can only be learnt on the ground in the native country.(真正流利的語言只有在本土實地才能學到。)
  • 29、People working in PR should be morefluent in foreign languages.(公關人員的外語應該更流利。)



英 [?flu:?nt] 美 ['flu??nt] 
副詞: fluently 名詞: fluency

