
更新時間:2024-06-02 12:53:22



  • 1、Iharbor no malice toward him for what he has done.(對于他所做的事,我并沒有心懷惡意。)
  • 2、Remember Pearlharbor?(還記得珍珠港事件嗎?)
  • 3、harbor seals are small compared with other phocids species such as grey seals, all of which are known to fast for the entire lactation period.(與其他phocids物種(如灰海豹)相比,港海豹體型較小。眾所周知,灰海豹在整個哺乳期都禁食。)
  • 4、Youharbor grudges.(你心懷不滿。)
  • 5、I remember exactly where I was on the day when the Japanese attacked Pearlharbor: in my room practicing my clarinet.(日本襲擊珍珠港那天,我還能準確地記得:我在房間里練習單簧管。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 6、The inshore hydrographic surveys were the basis of coastal andharbor charts.(近岸水文測量是沿海和海港海圖的基礎。)
  • 7、However, following the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearlharbor, Borlaug tried to join the military, but was rejected under wartime labour regulations.(然而,在1941年12月7日襲擊珍珠港后,博洛格試圖參軍,但因戰時的勞動法規被拒絕。)
  • 8、The Statue of Liberty towers stands above theharbor of New York.(自由女神像聳立在紐約港的上空。)
  • 9、If he lies awake on his inflatable mattress on the floor in the Southharbor, it is not because he has lied.(如果他睡不著覺,躺在南部港口區公寓地板上的充氣床墊上睡不著,那可不是因為他撒謊了。)
  • 10、I didn't know where Pearlharbor was-nobody did.(我那時并不知道珍珠港在哪個位置——沒人知道。)
  • 11、One thing I like about Jane is she doesn'tharbor resentment.(我喜歡簡的一點是她沒有心懷怨恨。)
  • 12、It is theharbor of Athens.(它是雅典的港口城。)
  • 13、Though smaller than many other phocids,harbor seals are similar in size to most otariids.(雖然港海豹的體型較小,但其體型與大多數的otariids(海獅和海狗)相似。)
  • 14、The maternal strategy evolved byharbor seals may have to do with their small size and the large proportion of their fat stores depleted in lactation.(麻斑海豹進化出的母性策略可能與它們的小體型和哺乳時消耗掉的大部分脂肪有關。)
  • 15、C: Gateway Tower. Is it near theharbor City?(港塔大廈。是否鄰近海港城?)
  • 16、Meinstein said theharbor is the caldera of a volcano.(邁爾·斯泰恩說,港口是火山的一個噴口。)
  • 17、Ships last a lot longer when they go to sea than when they stay in theharbor.(出海的船舶壽命要比留在港口里的船舶壽命長得多。)
  • 18、All the battleships can refresh in thisharbor.(所有戰艦都能在這個港口裝上補充供應品。)
  • 19、Biofilm communities canharbor bacteria longer and are very difficult to clean.(生物膜群落容納細菌的時間可以更長,而且很難清洗。)
  • 20、The tops of thunderstormsharbor electric fields.(雷暴雨的頂部擁有電場。)
  • 21、I will notharbor unhealthy thoughts anymore.(我不會再庇護任何不健康的思想。)
  • 22、However, certain other species on which the larvae feed do notharbor the bacterium.(然而,幼蟲所食的某些其他物種卻不存在這種細菌。)
  • 23、There is already some evidence suggesting that the ringed seal, a phocids species that is similar in size to theharbor seal, may also use a maternal foraging strategy.(已經有一些證據表明環斑海豹,即一種體型與港海豹相似的海豹科物種,可能也會使用母性覓食策略。)
  • 24、Both Shanghai and Copenhagen areharbor cities.(上海和哥本哈根都是海港城市。)
  • 25、Thisharbor is a naturalharbor.(這個港口是天然港。)



英 ['hɑ:b?] 美 [?hɑrb?] 
名詞: harborer 過去式: harbored 過去分詞: harbored 現在分詞: harboring 第三人稱單數: harbors



