
national anthem造句

national anthem造句

更新時間:2024-06-02 12:55:22


national anthem造句

  • 1、She has been commissioned to write a newnational anthem.(她已接受譜寫新國歌的委托。)
  • 2、What will it adopt as itsnational anthem?(它將用什么作為國歌?)
  • 3、As he stood on the winner's rostrum, he sang the words of thenational anthem.(當他站在領獎臺上,他唱起了國歌中的詞句。)
  • 4、B. Please rise for thenational anthem.(奏國歌,請全體起立。)
  • 5、Almost everyone, from generals to cattle herders has been learning the newnational anthem.(從將軍到牧民,幾乎人人都在學唱新國歌。)
  • 6、In the Philippines, people are required to sing thenational anthem with feelings when it's played in public.(在菲律賓,人們被要求在公開場合演唱國歌時要有感情。)
  • 7、In Russia, thenational anthem must be played on television and radio before the start and end of broadcasting.(在俄羅斯,電視和廣播在節目開始以及結束前必須播放國歌。)
  • 8、On the wall hangs a copy of thenational anthem. A battered car, nearly 30 years old, sits in the drive.(墻上掛著一張國歌唱片,一輛用了將近30年的遍體鱗傷的汽車停在車道上。)
  • 9、I might even try to arrange to play thenational anthem at some ballparks.(我甚至可以試著在一些棒球場演奏國歌。)
  • 10、After the ceremony, we will raise the national flag, and sing thenational anthem!(禮畢后,我們將升國旗、唱國歌!)
  • 11、During the playing of thenational anthem the crowd roared and whistled.(奏國歌時,人群又吼又吹口哨。)
  • 12、While the national flags of all three competitors are hoisted10, thenational anthem of the winner's country is played.(當三個獲勝者所在國家的國旗升起的時候,冠軍所屬國的國歌也同時奏起。)
  • 13、India'snational anthem 'the Will of the People' was composed by Tagore.(印度國歌《人民的意志》就是泰戈爾創作的。)
  • 14、China'snational anthem, March of the Volunteers, is a song that we learn at the beginning of primary school and sing at every flag-raising ceremony.(中國國歌《義勇軍進行曲》是我們小學一開始就學的一首歌,在每次升旗儀式上都會唱。)
  • 15、At his bidding, the delegates rose and sang thenational anthem.(按他的要求,代表們起立并唱國歌。)
  • 16、The self-styled prince roy adopted a flag, chose anational anthem and minted silver and gold coins.(這位自封的羅伊王子選定了國旗、國歌還鑄造了西蘭銀幣和金幣。)
  • 17、Isn't that the Israelinational anthem?(以色列的國歌不就是那樣的小調嗎。)
  • 18、They were to fire a salvo of blanks, after thenational anthem.(國歌過后,他們將齊射一陣空包彈。)
  • 19、The reception started with the solemnnational anthem.(招待會在莊嚴的國歌聲中開始。)
  • 20、All those present were standing solemnly when thenational anthem was played.(奏國歌時全場肅立。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 21、The national language of Singapore is Malay for historical reasons, and it is used in thenational anthem.(由于歷史原因新加坡的國語是馬來語,它用于國歌。)
  • 22、Thenational anthem is different from other songs. It is the symbol of our country.(國歌不同于其他歌曲,它是我們國家的象征。)
  • 23、When I came here, I learned some of the local language, and thenational anthem, and I learned Rwandan heritage.(我來到這里,學會了許多盧旺達語言,學會了盧旺達國歌,了解了盧旺達的文化傳統,盧旺達人對我很友好。)

national anthem基本釋義

national anthem

英 [?n???n?l ??nθ?m] 美 [?n???n?l ??nθ?m] 
第三人稱復數:national anthems

