


更新時間:2024-06-09 12:58:36



  • 1、Simply because of doubt about the generic integrity of various forms ofdiscourse.(僅僅因為懷疑,不同形式話語的普遍的完整性。)
  • 2、And we as women are worried about this doublediscourse.(我們作為婦女擔心這種雙重話語。)
  • 3、Gordon Pask — Improved Understanding throughdiscourse.(GordonPask——通過談話提升理解。)
  • 4、The universe ofdiscourse consists of denumerably many individuals.(話語世界由許多個可數的個體組成。)
  • 5、But to create reasonablediscourse about these topics, you have to start somewhere.(但是要發表關于這些主題的論述,您必須從某個位置開始。)
  • 6、The loftydiscourse on "cyberspace" has long changed.(關于“網路空間”的崇高演講已經歷經改變。)
  • 7、Yet a destructive passivity has overtaken ourdiscourse.(然而,一種破壞性的被動占據了我們的話語。)
  • 8、The hysteria of theirdiscourse is but a symptom of the emptiness within.(她們演說的歇斯底里僅僅是內容空虛的標志。)
  • 9、Break the tension with smiles and humor to reinforce the idea that this is friendlydiscourse and that all are working toward a common goal.(用微笑和幽默來打破緊張氣氛,強調這是段友好的談話,并且所有人都在朝著共同的目標努力。)
  • 10、In that case,discourse is the sample plate of mindset.(假設如此,話語就是思維的樣板。)
  • 11、Thediscourse stood on the opposite side of human nature then.(當時話語正站在人性的反面上。)
  • 12、There is "the democratizing uniformity of dress anddiscourse, and the casualness and absence of deference" characteristic of popular culture.(流行文化的特點是“著裝和話語的民主化統一,以及隨意性和缺乏依從性”。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 13、A newdiscourse was rapidly invented.(同時一種新的話語迅速發明出來。)
  • 14、That Phoebus Apollo was actually eavesdropping on the poet'sdiscourse.(關于阿波羅是否在背地里偷聽詩人的演說。)
  • 15、Companies that do not belong to a community ofdiscourse will die.(企業若不能參與到尚存論說的群體中,只有死路一條。)
  • 16、The universe is also rational and so a coherentdiscourse can be made about it.(宇宙既然是理性的,那么就能夠對它做出前后一致的闡明。)
  • 17、They do not have well-established channels ofdiscourse.(他們沒有既定的話語渠道。)
  • 18、It's refreshing to see a strong curious clever woman adding her voice to the scientificdiscourse and a field that has been traditionally dominated by men.(看到一位充滿強烈好奇心的聰明女性加入科學討論,并進入傳統上由男性主導的領域,這現象令人耳目一新。)
  • 19、Human communities are based ondiscourse-on human speech about human concerns.(人類群體建立在論說的基礎上——演講談論群體關心的問題。)
  • 20、Apart from that, samediscourse probably leads to different ideals.(除此之外,同樣的話語也可能教出些很不同的想法。)
  • 21、So the relationship between history anddiscourse is reciprocal.(所以歷史和話語之間的關系是雙向的。)
  • 22、Not only do they report on current events but also inform and shape the publicdiscourse.(它們不僅報道時事,而且為公眾論述提供信息和塑造形象。)



英 [?d?sk?:s] 美 [?d?sk?:rs] 
名詞: discourser 過去式: discoursed 過去分詞: discoursed 現在分詞: discoursing 第三人稱單數: discourses



