


更新時間:2024-06-02 12:28:04



  • 1、One example of social learning is theacquisition of preferences for novel foods.(社會學習的一個例子是獲得對新奇食物的偏好。)
  • 2、What's the cost of customeracquisition?(獲得一個客戶的成本有多大?)
  • 3、What's more, the study of languageacquisition offers direct insight into how humans learn.(更重要的是,語言習得的研究為了解人類如何學習提供了直接的視角。)
  • 4、Commercial satelliteacquisition processes.(商業衛星收購程序。)
  • 5、Indeed, ease ofacquisition is the problem.(事實上,容易獲得是個問題。)
  • 6、A second study concluded that post-acquisition gains to most acquiring firms were not adequate to cover the premiums paid to obtain acquired firms.(第二項研究得出結論,大多數收購公司的收購后收益不足以支付收購公司的溢價。)
  • 7、What do you think of thisacquisition?(對于此次收購您有什么看法呢?) Hao86.com
  • 8、acquisition and Retention...(獲取和保持。)
  • 9、His second hypothesis is the natural order in theacquisition hypothesis.(他的第二個假說是習得學說中的自然秩序。)
  • 10、The Heerlen, Netherlands-based company said it will finance theacquisition from its existing cash.(荷蘭海爾倫公司(Heerlen)表示,將從持有現金中向這次并購提供資金。)
  • 11、Designing and implementing dataacquisition.(設計并實現數據采集。)
  • 12、Social learning in animals is said to occur when direct or indirect social interaction facilitates theacquisition of a novel behavior.(據說動物的社會學習是在直接或間接的社會互動促進獲得新行為時發生的。)
  • 13、He devotes his time to theacquisition of knowledge.(他把時間用在獲取知識上。)
  • 14、His latestacquisition is a racehorse.(他最近購得一匹賽馬。)
  • 15、Although these educators may have good intentions their advice to families is misguided, and it stems from misunderstandings about the process of languageacquisition.(雖然這些教育者的意圖可能是好的,但他們對家庭的建議是錯誤的,這是源于對語言習得過程的誤解。)
  • 16、The first hypothesis is theacquisition and learning distinction hypothesis.(第一個假設是習得和學習差異的假設。)
  • 17、Global expansion throughacquisition is usually expensive, and expansion through internal growth is time-consuming and sometimes impossible in markets that are not actively growing.(通過收購實現全球擴張通常代價高昂,而通過內部增長實現擴張則非常耗時;在那些沒有積極增長的市場上,實現擴張有時甚至是不可能的。)
  • 18、Did you seek an education in active performance, or did you seek to be educated in passive reception and automaticacquisition of information that was fed to you?(你是在主動表現中尋求教育,還是在被動接受和自動獲取提供給你的信息中尋求教育?)
  • 19、What surprised him, even more than theacquisition of this strange power, was that he discovered that what people were saying was not really what they were thinking.(比獲得神奇的力量更令他驚訝的是,他發現人們心口不一。)
  • 20、According to this hypothesis, theacquisition processes create sentences in the second language, right?(根據這個假設,習得過程用第二語言創造句子,對吧?)
  • 21、Theacquisition acts of bidders may derive from modeling: a manager does what other managers do.(投標人的收購行為可能來自建模:一個經理做其他經理做的事。)
  • 22、How did you go about making this marvellousacquisition then?(那么你是怎么著手進行這宗不可思議的購置的?)
  • 23、You might think about how you would approach theacquisition process if you had it to do all over again.(你可能會想,如果你可以從頭再來,你會如何處理收購過程。)
  • 24、These factors may include the incentive compensation of executives, lack of monitoring by boards of directors, and managerial error in estimating the value of firms targeted foracquisition.(這些因素可能包括高管的激勵性薪酬、董事會缺乏監督以及管理層在估計收購目標公司價值時的錯誤。)
  • 25、Guys get needy foracquisition and pursuit.(男人需求獲得和追求。)



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