
更新時間:2024-06-10 00:06:50



  • 1、Don't be sobookish and unrealistic.(不要書生氣十足。)
  • 2、Thebookish historian now accepts it, reluctantly and ungraciously enough.(鉆書本的歷史學者現在相當勉強和冷淡地承認了它。)
  • 3、bookish parents read more to their children, use a larger vocabulary when they talk to them and prod them to do their homework.(喜歡讀書的父母會閱讀更多的書給他們的孩子聽,跟孩子交流的時候會使用更豐富的詞匯,并且會督促自己的孩子完成作業。)
  • 4、Unlike Obama, Bush never had a reputation for beingbookish.(與奧巴馬不同,布什從來沒有愛書的名聲。)
  • 5、This vision of intelligence asserts formal education andbookish excellence as the true measures of self-fulfillment.(這種關于智慧的觀點認為,正規教育和書本知識才是自我實現的真正渠道。)
  • 6、We read our physics without any reference to physical objects and so our knowledge of the subject was correspondinglybookish.(我們上物理學時,沒有結合任何有形物體來學,所以,我們對于這門功課的認識,還相應地停留在書本上。)
  • 7、As a boy Mr Mugabe was shy, sensitive andbookish, apparently without friends.(兒時的穆加貝害羞、敏感,而且一副書呆子氣,因此交不到朋友也就不足為怪了。)
  • 8、What's surprising to us, though, is the fact that some of the most populated-and most traditionallybookish-cities didn't make the cut.(但是真正使我們感到驚奇的是人口最密集,傳統上最愛讀書的城市并沒有上榜。)
  • 9、Arie that the fragile,bookish Andy will cry when the foot a result, Andy's silence so that he lost a four-pack of cigarettes?(阿瑞認為弱不禁風、書生氣時足的安迪一定會哭,結果安迪的沉默使他輸掉了四包煙。)
  • 10、She was always abookish child.(她一直是個愛讀書的孩子。)
  • 11、bookish in in the show, in the weak and strong in the shows.(在書生氣中盡顯癡狂,在軟弱中透著堅強。)
  • 12、boozed-up Nassir, Nur's brother, buys glasses for Soraya, hisbookish but myopic cousin, in defiance of his elders.(內爾的弟弟,時常喝得酩酊大醉的納賽爾,無視兄長的反對,給他那迂腐而近視的表姐(妹)索娜婭買了一副眼鏡。)
  • 13、It was a giddy, animated crowd, but most of allbookish - a collection of fans and believers, here to listen to the written word.(那是一群充滿生氣、各不相同的人們——其中大部分都是書癡——作為書迷以及信徒,聚集于此聆聽文字的聲音演繹。)
  • 14、Their language isn't bad but it'sbookish, " another adds."(他們的語言不是壞事,但它的書本,」另一個補充說。)
  • 15、Mr Davutoglu is an engaging,bookish character with a formidable knowledge of history.(達武特奧盧博覽群書,歷史知識淵博,且富有魅力。)
  • 16、He was filled withbookish notions.(他盡是書上的觀點。)
  • 17、I never liked living in Candlekeep with its funny,bookish monks and the narrow look of a small town.(我從來不喜歡住在燭堡里,有一大堆好笑的書蟲僧侶們,而且是個擁擠的小城鎮。)
  • 18、bookish bachelor seeking single Noetic Scientist?(書呆子單身漢在追求單身的抽象的科學家?)
  • 19、But those who have worked for him say that beneath thebookish exterior he is extremely tough.(但是那些為他工作的人透露,在書生氣的外表下,他是非常強硬的。)
  • 20、Buy two copies of his book; keep one and give the other to your closestbookish friend.(買兩本這本書,一本用于自己收藏另一本用于和志同道合的書友分享。)
  • 21、We should no longer wait our time learningbookish knowledge, we must learn something really useful.(我們不能再把時間浪費在學那些無用的書本知識了,應該學真正有用的東西。)
  • 22、He writes in abookish style.(他寫信的風格是文謅謅的。)
  • 23、He also criticized the concepts, methods, and goals of thebookish scholars.(他也批判了書呆子的概念、方法和目標。)
  • 24、Abookish bunch, the office members work in an ivy-covered building out of three rooms lined with books and musty card-catalog drawers.(譯名室的工作人員是一群好學之士,他們的3間辦公室在一座綠藤圍繞的建筑物里,屋里面擺放著書籍和發霉的卡片抽屜。)
  • 25、Better be careful of yourbookish approach, comrade.(同志,注意你的書生氣!)
  • 26、This week'sbookish movie, "Diary of a Wimpy Kid," was born from the phenomenally successful YA series by Jeff Kinney.(本周新電影《小屁孩日記》根據杰夫·金尼成功的暢銷兒童系列改編。)



英 [?b?k??] 美 [?b?k??] 
副詞: bookishly 名詞: bookishness

