


更新時間:2024-06-03 00:17:18



  • 1、Theaboriginal Americans settled in the Yucatan peninsulas of preset-day Mexico around 10, 000BC.(公元前10000年前后,美洲的原始人都居住在尤卡坦半島,即今天的墨西哥。)
  • 2、Uluru?is?the?center?of?aboriginal?culture.(烏魯魯是土著文化的中心。)
  • 3、But his goal is to be Canada's firstaboriginal prime minister.(但是他的目標卻是成為加拿大第一位土著人首相。)
  • 4、Just 31 of the 4, 201 MPs in Canadian history have beenaboriginal.(加拿大4201名議員歷史上只有31名是土著人。)
  • 5、aboriginal paintings of "rainbow serpents" from 6, 000 years ago bear striking similarities to seahorses.(6000年前在土著居民的畫像“彩虹大蛇”中,我們就能清楚地看見海馬的影子。)
  • 6、VISITING an outbackaboriginal settlement can be an unsettling experience for the few city Australians who venture there.(敢于到內地土著聚居地游覽的澳大利亞城市居民為數甚少,對于他們而言,這是一種并不舒坦的體驗。)
  • 7、Kathy: Well, we should get back so we can catch thataboriginal performance.(卡西:嗯,我們該回去了,這樣才趕得上原住民表演。)
  • 8、Motifs of seeming simplicity can encode complex meanings inaboriginal Australia.(在澳洲土著中,看似簡單的圖案可能包含著復雜的含義。)
  • 9、There were then about 1,500 Europeans and an estimated 300, 00aboriginal people in Australia.(那時澳大利亞大約有1,500歐洲人和大約300,000的土著人。)
  • 10、Wells hopes future conservation of these animals will fully involveaboriginal cultures.(威爾斯希望這些動物的保育將來會涵括所有土著文化。)
  • 11、Ownership is disputed. Anaboriginal claim is filed and the federal claims-processing machinery grinds into motion.(所有權有爭議了,原住民提出要求,然后聯邦處理機器付諸行動。)
  • 12、Archaeologists have reportedly found ancientaboriginal tools at Hope Downs.(考古研究者已經在HopeDowns發現了遠古居民的生活工具。)
  • 13、Not allaboriginal groups saw the Japanese as their chief oppressors.(并非所有土著團體都理解日本人是他們主要的壓迫者。)
  • 14、As I said before, you can find rock art all over the world, but I'd like to focus now on the rock art of theaboriginal people of Australia.(就像我之前說的,世界各地都有巖石藝術,但是我現在想要關注的是澳大利亞土著人的巖石藝術。)
  • 15、He has lived among theaboriginal inhabitants for a few years.(他已經與土著居民一起生活了幾年了。)
  • 16、They calculated that theaboriginal Australians split from the other three between 75, 000 and 62, 000 years ago.(他們計算出澳洲土著人是在75000到62000年前與其他三個種族分離開的。)
  • 17、They will campaign for respect foraboriginal rights and customs.(他們將開展尊重土著居民權利和風俗的活動。)
  • 18、Third, is it possible to interpret accurately the subject matter of ancient rock art, bring to bear all available archaeological techniques and the knowledge of present-dayaboriginal informants?(第三,是否有可能準確闡釋古代巖畫的主題,利用所有現成的考古學技巧和當前提供消息的土著居民所了解的信息?)
  • 19、Pregnantaboriginal women were believed to make the best divers, as it was thought they had greater lung capacity.(據說懷孕的土著女人是最好的潛水員,因為她們被認為有更大的肺活量。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 20、The Aborigines are the first people of Australia, and the ancientaboriginal stories describe the spirits that created the world.(土著居民是澳大利亞的第一批人,古老的土著故事描述了創造世界的精神。)



英 [??b??r?d??nl] 美 [??b??r?d??n?l] 
副詞: aboriginally


