
更新時間:2024-06-02 23:37:31



  • 1、It also works withvarying success in other programs.(在多種程序中同樣有效。) 【好工具】
  • 2、Photo Tip: Tryvarying your shots.(照片說明:試著變換一下你的拍攝方法。)
  • 3、New techniques were introduced withvarying degrees of success.(引進新技術的成功程度不盡相同。)
  • 4、Sharks display three ways to bear their young,varying by species, oviparity, viviparity and ovoviviparity.(鯊魚有三種繁殖方式,它們的繁殖方式因物種而異,分別是卵胎生、胎生和卵胎生。)
  • 5、The Jovian planets have very thick atmospheres consisting ofvarying amounts of hydrogen, helium, methane, and ammonia.(木星的行星有非常厚的大氣層,且由不同數量的氫、氦、甲烷和氨等元素組成。)
  • 6、Perhaps they will providevarying levels of quality-of-service.(或許他們將提供不同級別的服務品質。)
  • 7、He has got used to hervarying moods.(他已經習慣了她變化多端的情緒了。)
  • 8、An application development team withvarying skills.(這個應用開發團隊成員的技能水平參差不齊。)
  • 9、Mixed invarying proportions, they can produce all colors.(這三種色彩以不同比例相疊加可以產生所有色彩。)
  • 10、Forty-four states have lotteries, 29 have casinos, and most of these states are tovarying degrees dependent on—you might say addicted to—revenues from wagering.(44個州有彩票,29個州有賭場,其中大多數州都不同程度地依賴于,你也可以說是沉迷于賭博的收入。)
  • 11、Byvarying the width of the black lines, or hinges, researchers are able to change how far each hinge folds.(通過改變黑色線條或者鉸鏈的寬度,研究員可以改變每條鉸鏈可以折疊的范圍。)
  • 12、Water appears invarying shades of blue.(湖水顯示出深淺不同的藍色。)
  • 13、Rays of light filtered through the trees, forming spots ofvarying sizes on the ground.(一束束光線透過樹叢照射下來,在地面上形成了大小不一的斑點。)
  • 14、In this perspective, two thingsvarying perfectly together are linear dependent.(從這個角度來看,兩個完全變化的東西是線性相關的。)
  • 15、Ballism was defined as "Repetitive, but constantlyvarying, large amplitude involuntary movements of the proximal parts of the limbs".(顫搐被定義為“四肢近端重復的,但不斷變化的大幅度不自主運動”。)
  • 16、Neurons both send and receivevarying quantities of energy.(神經元既接收也發送不同的能量。)
  • 17、Robertson revised her hypothesis somewhat, arguing that in determining authority in precolonial Africa age was a primary principle that superseded gender tovarying degrees depending on the situation.(羅伯遜在某種程度上修正了她的假設,他認為在殖民前的非洲時代,決定權威是一個主要的原則,根據情況在不同程度上取代了性別這一原則。)
  • 18、The biologist Hugh Dingle has identified five characteristics that apply, invarying degrees and combinations, to all migrations.(生物學家休·丁格爾已經識別出五個特征,這些特征在不同程度和組合上適用于所有的遷徙。)
  • 19、Recent presidents have used television, as well as radio, withvarying degrees of success.(新近的總統們已經利用了電視和收音機,取得了不同程度的成功。)
  • 20、Such a back-coupling, in which the position of the moving plate has an impact on the forces that move it, could produce complicated andvarying motions.(在這種反向耦合中,移動板的位置對移動它的力有影響,可以產生變化的復雜運動。)
  • 21、varying screen sizes give rise tovarying screen layouts.(不同的屏幕大小造成了不同的屏幕布局。)
  • 22、If you put an infant on Mars, they would adapt tovarying degrees of the new environment.(如果你把一個嬰兒放在火星上,他們就會適應不同程度的新環境。)
  • 23、varying lengths of sentences?(要不要改變句子的長度?)
  • 24、Many XML editors, ofvarying complexity, are available for free.(不同復雜性的很多XML編輯器可免費獲取。)
  • 25、For centuries, explorers have risked their lives venturing into the unknown for reasons that were tovarying degrees economic and nationalistic.(幾個世紀以來,探險家們冒著生命危險探索未知的世界,其原因在不同程度上與經濟和民族主義有關。)
  • 26、PC companies have dabbled in retail withvarying results.(PC公司都涉獵了零售,但結果各不相同。)
  • 27、Probes with different beam angles can be used to detect planar defects atvarying angles of orientation.(不同光束角度的探頭可用于檢測不同方向角度的平面缺陷。)
  • 28、Aristotle is considered the ancestor of thevarying sorts of thought about form, and it's this move that he makes in Poetics that engenders this possibility.(亞里士多德被認為是各種形式思想的始祖,正是他在《詩學》中做出的這一舉動,才產生了這種可能性。)
  • 29、I have achievedvarying degrees of fluency in 12 languages, and look forward to learning more.(我已經在12門語言上達到了不同程度的流利,還期待學更多種語言。)
  • 30、There are many,varying agile development methods.(存在許多不同的敏捷開發方法。)



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