
更新時間:2024-06-02 23:47:51



  • 1、He is a self-righteousprig.(他是一個自以為是的家伙。)
  • 2、He's aprig and I wish he had lost his primary to that tattooed guy who likes me.(他那么自命不凡,我希望他在本黨初選里輸給那個喜歡我的滿是紋身的家伙。)
  • 3、Unconsciously to become aprig is an easy and a fatal thing.(人們很容易不自覺地變成這樣的人,這是致命的危險。)
  • 4、I know I sound aprig. I'm not.(我知道我聽起來很挑剔,其實也不至于。)
  • 5、'What a pity it is he isn't aprig!'(真可惜,他不是搞我們這行的。)
  • 6、You are neither aprig nor a bounder.(你既不是道學先生又不魯莽。)
  • 7、Now aprig is a pert fellow who gives himself AIRS of superior wisdom.(這種人魯莽無禮,總是擺出一幅有極高智商的神態。)
  • 8、The first is the terrible danger of becoming that most odious and least supportable of persons-aprig.(第一個可怕的危險是成為最討厭、最不受歡迎的人——假正經。) (好工具
  • 9、He had been railed against by them as aprig and a poseur.(他們責罵他是一個沾沾自喜、裝腔作勢的人。)
  • 10、The transition from libertine toprig was so complete.(從自由不羈到一本正經,這樣的轉變實在是太徹底了。)
  • 11、Aprig would have said that he had lost culture, and a prude that he had become coarse.(道學先生會說他沒有教養,假裝正經的人會說他舉止粗野。)
  • 12、She said, 'That Flora tries to take you on theprig again, you tell me-will you?(她說:“要是弗洛拉再帶你去偷東西,你就告訴我,知道么?”)
  • 13、Charles thinks he's better than the rest of us, the self - righteousprig!(查爾斯認為他比我們大家都強,真是個自以為是的家伙!)



英 [pr?g] 美 [pr?ɡ] 
形容詞: priggish 副詞: priggishly 名詞: priggery 過去式: prigged 過去分詞: prigged 現在分詞: prigging 第三人稱單數: prigs


