
have access to造句

have access to造句

更新時間:2024-06-02 23:33:05


have access to造句

  • 1、Two thirds of those people who are illiterate are women and about 200 to 250 million women don'thave access to birth control they want.(這些文盲中有三分之二是婦女,大約有2億至2.5億婦女無法獲得她們想要的節育措施。)
  • 2、Every TB patient shouldhave access to proper care.(每一位結核病人都應當得到適當治療。)
  • 3、"Archiving practices have changed greatly since the 1970s," says Kapsalis, "and we keep our high value documents in a safe that I don't evenhave access to."(Kapsalis說:“自20世紀70年代以來,文件歸檔已經發生了很大的變化,我們會將價值高的文檔保存在一個連我都無法訪問的保險箱中?!?
  • 4、Kids shouldn'thave access to violent films because they might imitate the things they see.(孩子們不應該接觸暴力電影,因為他們可能會模仿他們所看到的東西。)
  • 5、We can perform almost any office-based task from any location in the world as long as wehave access to the internet.(我們幾乎可以在世界上任何地方執行任何基于辦公室的任務,只要我們能夠訪問互聯網。)
  • 6、You havehave access to them via your public library.(而你可以通過公共圖書館來使用他們。)
  • 7、Fortunately, educatorshave access to many online resources that are especially useful when helping children along the path to peace.(幸運的是,教育工作者能夠接觸到許多在線資源,這些資源對于幫助兒童走上和平之路格外有用。)
  • 8、All studentshave access to the Writing Center on the upper floor of this building.(所有學生都可以進入這棟樓上層的寫作中心。)
  • 9、They want their parents tohave access to affordable long-term care.(他們希望他們的父母可以得到負擔得起的長期看護。)
  • 10、Wehave access to communication protocols.(我們能夠訪問通訊協議。)
  • 11、Students in university towns may alsohave access to another lever for involvement in accelerated math: math circles.(大學城的學生可能還有另一種參與進階數學的手段:數學圈。)
  • 12、They nowhave access to the mass markets of China, Japan and the U.K.(他們現在有通路進入中國、日本和英國的大眾市場了。)
  • 13、We must ensure that all patientshave access to high quality care.(我們必須確保所有的病人都能夠得到高質量的護理。)
  • 14、They also do nothave access to quality health care or other prerequisites for upward social mobility.(他們也無法獲得高質量的醫療保健或其他社會向上流動的先決條件。)
  • 15、But I know youhave access to writing tutors.(我知道你們可以獲得寫作指導。)
  • 16、There are other local facilities such as post offices where you can save your money andhave access to affordable low cost loans.(還有其他的地方設施,比如郵局,在那里你可以省錢,也可以獲得負擔得起的低成本貸款。)
  • 17、They mayhave access to drinking water but not clean, safe drinking water.(他們或許能獲得飲用水,但沒有干凈、安全的飲用水。)
  • 18、Fear not, you'll stillhave access to the raw mongrel request if you want to do fancy stuff like streaming or deferred rendering outside the mutex.(不用害怕,如果您想在互斥以外做一些奇特的事情,比如流處理或延遲呈現,您仍然可以訪問原始的mongrel請求。)
  • 19、Exploit the resources you dohave access to.(利用你確實可以獲得的資源。)
  • 20、Exploit the resources you DOhave access to.(挖掘你可以獲取的資源。)
  • 21、I have seen development lag because the poor do nothave access to markets and finance.(我目睹了由于窮人無法進入市場、沒有融資渠道而造成的發展滯后。)
  • 22、More peoplehave access to secure energy.(更多人獲得了可靠能源。)
  • 23、Do youhave access to beautiful girls?(你能接近漂亮的女孩嗎?)
  • 24、If an earthquake, hurricane or other disaster strikes your community, you might nothave access to food, water, and electricity for days or even weeks.(如果地震、颶風或其他的災害突襲你的家園,你可能會好幾天甚至好幾個星期都無法獲得食物、水和電。)
  • 25、However, he'll need to do so without tripping the anti-jamming system, the details of which he almost certainly does nothave access to.(然而,他必須這么做的同時不觸發抗干擾系統,因為他幾乎無法得知這一系統的技術細節。)
  • 26、Students musthave access to good resources.(學生必須有機會使用好的資源。)
  • 27、Today, wehave access to our own genetic recipe.(今天,我們已經繪制了自己的基因圖譜。) Hao86.com
  • 28、Millions of people cannot read these words because they don'thave access to a computer.(數百萬人無法閱讀這些文字,因為他們沒有使用電腦的機會。)
  • 29、How can we prevent murderous schoolyard violence in children whohave access to weapons, poor parental supervision, and a mean streak?(我們怎樣才能防止校園暴力發生在那些有武器、父母監督不力、行為卑劣的孩子身上呢?)

have access to基本釋義

have access to

英 [h?v ??kses tu:] 美 [h?v ??ks?s tu] 
可以到達; 可以使用;有接觸…的機會或權利